
Metoposcopy is a form of divination in which the diviner predicts personality, character, and destiny, based on the pattern of lines on the subject's forehead. It was developed by the 16th century astrologer and physician Jerome Cardan. The 16th century astrologer Giovanni Antonio Magini also concerned himself with this subject.

Metoposcopy is prominently featured in the Zohar.[1]

Criticism Metoposcopy is described as a form of divination, in which the expert obtains their information from other-worldly or supernatural sources. This alone makes it clear that the practice of Metoposcopy is not supported by science, but is pseudoscience. The regular combination of this practice with astrology and it’s comparisons to palm reading further establishes metoposcopy within the realm of pseudoscience. These techniques rely on methods that cannot be disproven and lack any scientific merit. With confirmation bias, a rare correct prediction is used as confirmation of their abilities. However, the numerous incorrect predictions are minimized through assertions that every prediction can’t be 100% accurate, or as an inability to tap into one’s gifts at that moment. This increases the believability of the expert and their predictions, since no-one is perfect. Also making it difficult, or impossible, to disconfirm or falsify these claims, as the only ‘evidence’ is confirmatory.

The idea that one can ascertain a person’s character and temperament as well as predict a person’s destiny simply by reading the lines on their forehead is incredible. Furthermore, the association of these wrinkles with astrological points is even more unbelievable. The lines and wrinkles on a person’s forehead are the result of a combination of genetics, diet, habits (i.e. sun exposure), past experiences and overall lifestyle (i.e. stress level). These factors change over a person’s lifetime as does an individual’s appearance. Taking all these aspects into account, an individual’s predicted personality and future would be in a state of constant change. Predictions made at one point in time would no longer be valid after any significant period of time had passed.

Metoposcopy’s lack of reliability, falsifiability and testable proof draws attention to the need for scientific value. In addition, as with other pseudoscientific practices, the lack of scientific methodology forces the individual to trust in the expert’s divine gifts, in lieu of actual evidence.


  1. Matt, Daniel, "Zohar, Vol.4"

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