Metallurgical and Materials Transactions

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions  
Discipline Metallurgy, materials science
Language English
Edited by D. E. Laughlin
Publication details
1.730 (A), 1.323 (B)
ISSN Section A:
Section B:
Section E:

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions is a peer-reviewed scientific journal published in three sections (A, B, and E) covering metallurgy and materials science. The journals are jointly published by The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society and ASM International.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A

This monthly section focuses on physical metallurgy and materials science, and publishes international scientific contributions on all aspects of physical metallurgy and materials science, with a special emphasis on relationships among the processing, structure, and properties of materials.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B

This bimonthly section covers the theoretical and engineering aspects of the processing of metals and other materials, including studies of electro- and physical chemistry, mass transport, modeling, and related computer applications.

Metallurgical and Materials Transactions E

This quarterly section was added in 2014 and covers materials related to current and emerging energy technologies for power generation, energy storage, energy efficiency, and waste to energy.

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