Merrill Unger
Merrill Frederick Unger (1909–1980) was a Bible commentator, scholar, and theologian. He earned his A.B. and Ph.D degrees at Johns Hopkins University, and his Th.M and Th.D degrees at Dallas Theological Seminary. After serving as a pastor at several churches, Unger taught for a year at Gordon College. For the next 19 years, until 1967 – at which time he became professor emeritus, Unger was professor of Old Testament studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. Unger was a prolific writer who authored some 40 books many of which are well received in Christian colleges and seminaries. Unger was also a well known Biblical archaeologist.
Selected works
- Unger's Bible Dictionary
- Unger's Bible Handbook
- Unger's Commentary on the Old Testament
- Archaeology and the Old Testament
- Archaeology and the New Testament
- New Testament Teaching on Tongues: A Biblical and Historical Survey (1971)
- Baptism and Gifts of the Holy Spirit (Moody Press)
- Demons in the World Today (Tyndale House Publishers), 1971