Memoranda Gadelica

Memoranda Gadelica aka Dublin, Trinity College MS H. 4. 31, is an Irish annal, covering the years 1582 to 1665.


This annals features notices and obits of the Mac Aonghusa family of Uíbh Eathach (see Uí Echach Cobo in what is now County Down. It also features references to other Ulster families such as Ó Néill, Ó Domhnaill, Ó Dochartaigh, O Dúbheanaigh. To that end it might be more properly regarded as a book of obituaries of prominent people, much like the Annals of Nenagh.

The years 1583-88 are missing, as are 1590-94, 1596-1600, 1602, 1604-06, 1609-11, 1613-15, 1619-27, 1632-33, 1639, 1642-47, 1650-51, 1653, 1655-60.

All enterys are brief (1589 - Domhnall mac Briain Megaonghusa do mharbhadh.). Even those years with additional information (1608- Cathir O Dochartaigh do mharbhadh 1 Augustij. Aodh mac Feidhlim Mac Aonghusa do mharbhadh. 1618 - Inghion Meagaonghusa .i. cuntaois Thíre Eoghain ar b-fagháil bháis san Róimh 15 Martij. Art mac an Bharúin Uí Néill ar b-fagháil bhais 28 Novembris.) consist of merely two or more obits.

The editor added some twenty supplemental footnotes to further identify some of the persons named, such as sub anno 1589, 1612, 1629, 1638, 1663.

Final entrys

See also

External links
