Members of the 2nd UK Parliament from Ireland

1st Parliament (1801)
2nd Parliament (1802)
3rd Parliament (1806)

This is a list of the MPs for Irish constituencies, who were elected at the United Kingdom general election, 1802, to serve as Members of the 2nd UK Parliament from Ireland, or who were elected at subsequent by-elections. There were 100 seats representing Ireland in this Parliament.

This was the first United Kingdom general election, as the House of Commons of the 1st Parliament of the United was chosen from the members of the Parliament of Great Britain and the Parliament of Ireland and not by a popular election.

The 2nd United Kingdom Parliament was elected between 5 July 1802 and 28 August 1802, as at this period the exact date for the election in each constituency was fixed by the Returning Officer. The Parliament first assembled on 31 August 1802, for a maximum duration of seven years from that date. It was dissolved on 24 October 1806 (a length of four years, one month and twenty four days).

Summary of Results by Party (Ireland only)

The names of and votes for candidates at elections are based on Walker. Party labels are based on those used by Stooks Smith and may differ from those in other sources. Many early nineteenth century Irish MPs are not classified by party, by Stooks Smith.

In some cases, when a party label is used for the MP by Stooks Smith in a subsequent Parliament, this is noted in the Members list below.

At the dissolution of the 1st Parliament, the MPs by party (calculated as above), were

Other (unclassified) 50, Tory 34, Whig 16: Total 100.
Party Candidates Unopposed Votes % Seats
Tory 45 37 5,703 37.03 43 43
Whig 33 21 6,274 40.73 28 31
Other 35 25 3,425 22.24 29 26
Total 113 83 15,402 100.0 100 100

Note: Two Tory candidate contested and won two constituencies. Each candidacy is counted separately in the table.

General Election Results by Constituency

County Antrim
2 members
Unopp. - - - T gain from O 1
Unopp. - - - T gain from O
Armagh Unopp. - - - T hold 1
County Armagh
2 members
Unopp. - - - T gain from O 1
- Unopp. - - W gain from O
Athlone - - Unopp. - O hold 1
Bandon - Unopp. - - W hold 1
Belfast Unopp. - - - T hold 1
Carlow Unopp. - - - T hold 1
County Carlow
2 members
- 524 437 - W gain from O
- 479 426 - W gain from O
Carrickfergus 381 270 - - T gain from O
Cashel - Unopp. - - W gain from O
County Cavan
2 members
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
County Clare
2 members
- - 880 - O hold 1
- - 535 499 O hold
Clonmel Unopp. - - - T hold 1
Coleraine Unopp. - - - T hold 1
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
County Cork
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
County Donegal
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold
County Down
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Downpatrick - - 96 87 O hold
Drogheda - - 213 208 O hold 1
2 members
1,965 642 - - T hold 1
1,281 1,673 - - W gain from T
County Dublin
2 members
708 - - - T hold 1
469 263 - - T hold 1
Dublin University 39 29 - - T hold 1
Dundalk Unopp. - - - T hold
Dungannon Unopp. - - - T gain from O
Dungarvan - Unopp. - - W hold
Ennis Unopp. - - - T hold
Enniskillen Unopp. - - - T hold
County Fermanagh
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold
Galway Unopp. - - - T gain from W
County Galway
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
County Kerry
2 members
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
County Kildare
2 members
- Unopp. - - W gain from O
- Unopp. - - W hold
Kilkenny - Unopp. - - W gain from O
County Kilkenny
2 members
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
King's County
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Kinsale - - Unopp. - O hold
County Leitrim
2 members
- 779 - - W hold 1
389 668 - - W gain from T
Limerick Unopp. - - - T gain from O
County Limerick
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold
Lisburn Unopp. - - - T hold
Londonderry Unopp. - - - T gain from O
County Londonderry
2 members
Unopp - - - T hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold
County Longford
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold
County Louth
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Mallow - Unopp. - - W gain from O
County Mayo
2 members
Unopp. - - - T gain from O 1
- Unopp. - - W gain from O
County Meath
2 members
- 326 - - W gain from O 1
- 181 44 - W gain from O
County Monaghan
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
New Ross - - Unopp. - O hold
Newry - Unopp. - - W gain from O
Portarlington - - Unopp. - O hold
Queen's County
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold
County Roscommon
2 members
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold
Sligo Unopp. - - - T hold 1
County Sligo
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
County Tipperary
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Tralee Unopp. - - - T gain from O
County Tyrone
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Waterford 471 440 - - T hold 1
County Waterford
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold
County Westmeath
2 members
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
- - Unopp. - O hold 1
Wexford Unopp. - - - T gain from O
County Wexford
2 members
Unopp. - - - T hold 1
Unopp. - - - T hold
County Wicklow
2 members
- Unopp - - W hold 1
- Unopp. - - W hold 1
Youghal Unopp. - - - T hold 1


Members by constituency

The list is given in alphabetical order by constituency. The County prefixes used for county constituencies is disregarded in determining alphabetical order, but the county follows any borough or city constituency with the same name.

The name of an MP who served during the Parliament, but who was not the holder of a seat at the dissolution in 1806, is given in italics. When the date of the election is in italics, this indicates a by-election.

A member of the 1st Parliament, for the same constituency, is indicated by an * before the MPs name. A member of the 1st Parliament, for a different constituency in Ireland, is indicated by a + before the MPs name.

1802, July 19 County Antrim
2 members
*Edmond Alexander MacNaghten Tory
Hon. John Bruce Richard O'Neill Tory
1802, July 9 Armagh *Patrick Duigenan Tory
1802, July 17 County Armagh
2 members
*Hon. Archibald Acheson
(Viscount Acheson)
Tory Styled Viscount Acheson from February 1806
Hon. Henry Caulfeild Whig
1802, July 26 Athlone *William Handcock Resigned
1803, August 22 Thomas Tyrwitt Jones
1802, July 13 Bandon *Sir Broderick Chinnery, Bt Whig
1802, July 12 Belfast *James Edward May Tory
1802, July 24 Carlow *Charles Montague Ormsby Tory Appointed Recorder of Prince of Wales Island (Penang)
1806, June 9 Michael Symes
1802, July 26 County Carlow
2 members
David Latouche Whig
Walter Bagenal Whig
1802, July 30 Carrickfergus Lord Spencer Stanley Chichester Tory
1802, July 27 Cashel Rt Hon. William Wickham Whig Appointed a Commissioner of the Treasury
1806, February 27
1802, July 16 County Cavan
2 members
*Francis Saunderson Whig Possibly Tory (see constituency article)
*Nathaniel Sneyd Tory
1802, July 24 County Clare
2 members
*Hon. Francis Nathaniel Burton
Sir Edward O'Brien, Bt
1802, July 19 Clonmel *Rt Hon. William Bagwell Tory
1802, July 26 Coleraine *Walter Jones Tory
1802, July 16 Cork
2 members
*Mountifort Longfield Tory
*Hon. Christopher Hely-Hutchinson Whig
1802, July 15 County Cork
2 members
*Viscount Boyle Classified Whig in the 3rd Parliament
*Robert Uniacke Fitzgerald
1802, July 28 County Donegal
2 members
*Viscount Sudley Tory
Sir James Stewart, Bt Tory
1802, July 24 County Down
2 members
*Viscount Castlereagh Tory Appointed Secretary of State for War
and the Colonies
*Francis Savage
1805, July 27 Hon. John Meade
1802, July 17 Downpatrick Charles Stewart Hawthorne
1802, July 27 Drogheda *Edward Hardman
1802, July 21 Dublin
2 members
*John Claudius Beresford Tory Resigned
John La Touche Whig
1804, March 31 Robert Shaw Tory
1802, July 14 County Dublin
2 members
*Hans Hamilton Tory
*Frederick John Falkiner Tory
1802, July 14 Dublin University *Hon. George Knox Tory Also returned for Dungannon. Appointed
a Commissioner of the Treasury in Ireland
1805, March 28
1802, July 15 Dundalk Richard Archdall Tory
1802, July 12 Dungannon +Hon. George Knox Tory Elects to sit for Dublin University
1803, June 9 *Sir Charles Hamilton, Bt Tory
1802, July 17 Dungarvan William Greene Whig
1802, July 22 Ennis Rt Hon. James Fitzgerald Tory
1802, July 31 Enniskillen +Rt Hon. John Beresford Tory Elects to sit for County Waterford
1802, December 24 William Burroughs Tory Appointed a Judge of the Supreme Court in Bengal
1806, March 14 John King Tory Resigned
1806, July 3 William Henry Fremantle Tory
1802, July 19 County Fermanagh
2 members
*Viscount Cole Tory Cole becomes the 2nd Earl of Enniskillen
Mervyn Archdall (junior) Tory
1803, June 27 Hon. Galbraith Lowry Cole Tory
1802, July 15 Galway +Denis Bowes Daly Tory Resigned to contest County Galway
1805, June 29 James Daly Tory
1802, July 22 County Galway
2 members
*Richard Martin
*Hon. Richard Le Poer Trench
(Viscount Dunlo)
Styled Viscount Dunlo from January 1803
Appointed Commissioner for the Affairs of India
1804, June 4 Dunlo became the 2nd Earl of Clancarty
1805, June 8 +Denis Bowes Daly Tory Appointed Joint Mustermaster General in Ireland
1806, May 10
1802, July 26 County Kerry
2 members
*Rt Hon. Maurice Fitzgerald
(The 18th Knight of Kerry)
*James Crosbie Tory
1802, July 20 County Kildare
2 members
Lord Robert Stephen Fitzgerald Whig
Robert La Touche Whig
1802, July 22 Kilkenny Hon. Charles Harward Butler Whig
1802, July 19 County Kilkenny
2 members
*Hon. James Wandesford Butler Whig
*Rt Hon. William Brabazon Ponsonby Whig Created the 1st Baron Ponsonby
1806, April 12 Hon. George Ponsonby Whig
1802, July 22 King's County
2 members
Thomas Bernard (senior) Tory
*Sir Lawrence Parsons, Bt Appointed a Commissioner of the Treasury
in Ireland
1805, April 6 Tory
1802, July 13 Kinsale +Samuel Campbell Rowley Resigned
1806, April 29 Henry Martin Whig
1802, July 24 County Leitrim
2 members
*Viscount Clements Whig Became the 2nd Earl of Leitrim
Peter La Touche Whig
1805, February 5 Henry John Clements Tory
1802, July 16 Limerick Charles Vereker Tory
1802, July 22 County Limerick
2 members
*William Odell Classified Tory in the 4th Parliament
Charles Silver Oliver
1802, July 12 Lisburn Earl of Yarmouth Tory
1802, July 21 Londonderry +Sir George Fitzgerald Hill, Bt Tory
1802, July 21 County Londonderry
2 members
*Hon. Charles William Stewart Tory
Lord George Thomas Beresford Tory
1802, July 16 County Longford
2 members
*Sir Thomas Fetherston, Bt Classified Tory in the 3rd Parliament
Hon. Thomas Glendowe Newcomen
1802, July 22 County Louth
2 members
*William Charles Fortescue
*Rt Hon. John Foster Appointed Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of
the Exchequer in Ireland
1804, August 6 Tory
1802, July 13 Mallow Denham Jephson Whig
1802, July 22 County Mayo
2 members
*Rt Hon. Denis Browne Tory
Hon. Henry Augustus Dillon Whig
1802, July 23 County Meath
2 members
*Sir Marcus Somerville, Bt Whig
Thomas Bligh Whig
1802, July 23 County Monaghan
2 members
*Richard Dawson
*Charles Powell Leslie Tory
1802, July 10 New Ross Charles Tottenham Resigned
1805, July 26 Ponsonby Tottenham
1802, July 13 Newry +Rt Hon. Isaac Corry Whig
1802, July 17 Portarlington +Henry Brooke Parnell Resigned
1802, December 30 Thomas Tyrwhitt Resigned
1806, March 15 John Langston
1802, July 23 Queen's County
2 members
*Hon. William Wellesley-Pole
Sir Eyre Coote Appointed Lieutenant Governor of Jamaica
1806, February 17 *Henry Brooke Parnell Appointed a Commissioner of the Treasury
in Ireland
1806, April 18 Whig
1802, July 22 County Roscommon
2 members
*Arthur French Whig
Hon. Edward King Whig
1802, July 24 Sligo *Owen Wynne Tory Resigned
1806, July 16 George Canning Tory Cousin of the MP for Tralee
1802, July 23 County Sligo
2 members
*Joshua Edward Cooper Tory
*Charles O'Hara Whig Appointed a Commissioner of the Treasury
in Ireland
1806, April 17
1802, July 19 County Tipperary
2 members
*Viscount Mathew a
*John Bagwell (c. 1752-1816)
1802, July 24 Tralee Rt Hon. George Canning Tory Appointed Treasurer of the Navy
1804, June 4 Cousin of the MP for Sligo
1802, July 19 County Tyrone
2 members
*James Stewart
*Rt Hon. John Stewart
1802, July 24 Waterford *William Congreve Alcock Tory Unseated on petition
1803, December 7 Sir John Newport, Bt Whig Declared duly elected on petition. Appointed
Chancellor of the Exchequer in Ireland
1806, March 14
1802, July 21 County Waterford
2 members
*Rt Hon. John Beresford Tory Also returned for Enniskillen. Died.
+Edward Lee Whig
1806, January 6 +John Claudius Beresford Tory
1802, July 16 County Westmeath
2 members
*William Smyth
*Gustavus Hume-Rochfort Classified Tory in the 5th Parliament
1802, July 9 Wexford Richard Nevill Tory
1802, July 19 County Wexford
2 members
*Viscount Loftus Tory Became the 2nd Marquess of Ely
*Abel Ram Tory
1806, May 27 Caesar Colclough Whig
1802, July 22 County Wicklow
2 members
*William Hoare Hume Whig
*George Ponsonby Whig Appointed Lord Chancellor of Ireland
1806, May 10 William Tighe Whig
1802, July 13 Youghal *Sir John Keane, Bt Tory

Supplemental note:-


    See also