Melody Beattie

Melody Beattie (born 1948 in St. Paul, Minnesota)[1] is the author of Codependent No More, published in 1987 by the Hazelden Foundation. The book was successful and influential within the self-help movement, selling over eight million copies and introducing the word codependent to the general public.[2]

Following the success of Codependent No More, Beattie authored over a dozen other books, including Beyond Codependency and The Language of Letting Go. Her most recent book is Make Miracles in Forty Days: Turning What You Have into What You Want, published in 2010. Several of her books have been published in other languages.

Similar to the work of Bill W. and Alcoholics Anonymous five decades earlier, Beattie's early work synthesizes psychoanalytic theory (especially object relations and the work of Heinz Kohut, Wilfrid Bion, and Otto Kernberg) into language people can easily grasp and use. In Codependent No More, Beattie also functioned as a popularizer of science, especially the work of psychiatrist Timmen Cermak, author of Diagnosing and Treating Co-Dependence.

Beattie's work contributed to the general emergence within American society of the idea that addiction to a person (who was addicted to a substance or a behavioral process) was a possibility.

Beattie's early works also served as the first the Big Book for a 12-Step program called Co-Dependents Anonymous. Although "CoDA" now has a conference-approved (official) '"the Big Book" of its own, Beattie's works continue to be central texts in some CoDA meetings.[3]

In 1991, Beattie and her daughter, Nichole, were devastated by the death of 12-year-old son Shane, who died in a fatal skiing accident.





  1. Beattie's official website
  2. Taking Care of Herself - TIME
  3. Co-dependent no more celebrates 20th anniversary. | Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly (, 2007)
  1. Time – Taking Care of Herself – Monday, Dec 10, 1990.
  2. Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly Publication Date: 29-JAN-07.
  3. Haaken, Janice (1993). "From Al-Anon to ACOA: Codependence and the Reconstruction of Caregiving". Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 18: 321-345. ISSN 0097-9740. wow

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