Meeli Kõiva

Meeli Kõiva (artist name Mary Crystal Ra) (Born January 14, 1960) is an artist. She has pioneered light and glass as visual art forms. She is primarily concerned with glass and light, active in Finland, Belgium and US, where she has produced a range of paintings, architectural lighting sculptures, multimedia installations, videos and architectural stained glass pieces. She has been an innovator, a pioneer and a visionary in the field of light/glass art for 30 years. Her first light and glass exhibition was held in 1991. This was an innovative presentation of new work and a breakthrough in light art history.

Meeli Koiva is a light artist, glass sculptor and painter, located in Finland/USA.

For the last 20 years, she has been working at her studios in Helsinki, New York, Paris and San Francisco. Her best known works include the main building of the European Parliament; “Reactive River” light glass sculpture and video.

"Meeli Koiva is recognized worldwide as a pioneer of glass and light art as she has experimented with glass, lasers, fibre optics and other new technologies from 1982. By applying these, she has designed innovative light objects in Finland, Belgium and US.[1]

Selected Architectural Glass Installations


  1. The World Of Glass (2007) Vicky Kastanias
  2. "A River of Glass for the EU Parliament" Imp_News tecniche

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