Measurements of Student Progress

Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) is a test taken by students throughout Washington state. This test ranges from grades 3-8.[1] It is the successor of the WASL. The SBAC has taken its place.


The subjects that are tested on the MSP include Mathematics, Science, Reading, and Writing.

Mathematics is tested in grades 3-8 as is Reading. Science is tested in grades 5 and 8. Writing is tested in grades 4 and 7.[2]


The Mathematics portion of the MSP consists of Multiple choice questions with skills that are learned in the grade.


The reading portion of the MSP consists of multiple choice mixed with extended response questions. The student must read a story then answer these questions.


In the writing part of the MSP, a student writes two stories. A prompt is included.


The science section includes multiple choice questions relating to different science processes. Also, there is a sample lab in which the student does the analysis and conclusion.


  1. "Measurements of Student Progress". Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Retrieved 17 April 2013.
  2. "Measurement of Student Progress".

(All of the information comes from this page.)