May 1999

May 1999 was the fifth month of that common year. The month, which began on a Saturday, ended on a Monday after 31 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from May 1999.

May 1, 1999 (Saturday)
  • Three spectators were killed and eight others were injured at Lowe's Motor Speedway during an IRL race when a tire went into the grandstand.
  • First episode of SpongeBob SquarePants, named "Help Wanted".
May 2, 1999 (Sunday)
  • Norman J. Sirnic and Karen Sirnic are murdered by Angel Maturino Resendiz in a parsonage in Weimar, Texas. They were his fourth and fifth victims in his fourth incident.
May 3, 1999 (Monday)
  • Photo driver licences and banknotes made out of polymer substrate are introduced to New Zealand.
  • An F5 tornado slams into Oklahoma City, Oklahoma killing 38 people. This was the second strongest tornado ever recorded in United States history. (See 1999 Oklahoma tornado outbreak). A possible tornado outbreak that has a similar force to it will take place sometime in the next 250-500 years.
  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average closes above 11,000 for the first time. It closes at 11,014.70.
May 5, 1999 (Wednesday)
  • Microsoft releases Windows 98 Second Edition.
May 6, 1999 (Thursday)
May 7, 1999 (Friday)
  • A jury finds The Jenny Jones Show and Warner Bros. liable in the shooting death of Scott Amedure after the show purposely deceived Jonathan Schmitz to appear on a secret same-sex crush episode.
  • Kosovo War: In Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, three Chinese embassy workers are killed and 20 wounded when a NATO aircraft mistakenly bombs the Chinese embassy in Belgrade.
  • In Guinea-Bissau, President João Bernardo Vieira is ousted in a military coup.
May 8, 1999 (Saturday)
May 11, 1999 (Tuesday)
  • Starting late on May 10 and continuing through the early hours of May 12, NASA's ACE and Wind spacecraft each observed that the density of the solar wind dropped by more than 98%. (NASA Science)
May 12, 1999 (Wednesday)
May 13, 1999 (Thursday)
May 17, 1999 (Monday)
May 18, 1999 (Tuesday)
May 19, 1999 (Wednesday)
  • Star Wars: The Phantom Menace is released in theaters.
May 23, 1999 (Sunday)
May 23, 1999 (Sunday)
May 26, 1999 (Wednesday)
May 27, 1999 (Thursday)
May 28, 1999 (Friday)
May 31, 1999 (Monday)
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