
Scientific classification
Domain: Eukaryota
Kingdom: Chromalveolata
Superphylum: Alveolata
Phylum: Apicomplexa
Levine 1970
Class: Conoidasida
Levine 1988
Subclass: Gregarinasina
Dufour 1828
Order: Neogregarinorida
Grassé & Schrével 1953
Family: Lipotrophidae
Grassé 1953
Genus: Mattesia
Naville 1930

Mattesia alphitobii
Mattesia dispora
Mattesia geminata
Mattesia grandis
Mattesia povolnyi
Mattesia orchopiae
Mattesia oryzaephili
Mattesia trogodermae

Mattesia is a genus of parasitic protozoa of the phylum Apicomplexa. Species in this genus infect insects (Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Siphonaptera).


The genus was created in 1930 by Naville.[1]

There are eight recognised species in this genus.

The type species is Mattesia geminata.


The species in this genus are spread by the orofaecal route. They infect the fat bodies of species of Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and Siphonaptera, the hypodermis of species of Hymenoptera and the Malpighian tubules of species of Lepidoptera and Siphonaptera as well as intestine of one species of Lepidoptera.

The sporozoites are elongated and measure ~7 µm × 3 µm. They escape from oocyst while in gut lumen when polar plugs dissolve.

Flexing by the sporozoites generates motility. This permits them to penetrate the gut wall and migrate to the fat body where they enter cells of the adipose tissue. An apical complex appears to be present in sporozoites, merozoites and gamonts.

The meronts are found in a parasitophorous vacuole where they initially undergo micronuclear merogony by budding from the surface of the meront. The resulting merozoites spread the infection in the fat body, followed by macronuclear merogony.

The macronuclear merozoites differentiate into gamonts. The micronuclei are smaller than the macronuclei by a factor of about 2-3 with the microgametes 1-2 µm in diameter and the macrogametes being 2-4 µm.

Pairs of gamonts associate as 2 hemispherical gametocytes with the conoidal complexes of each juxtaposed. The complexes then disappear. The host tissue has usually been lysed by the time of gametocyte formation so that the cells are extracellular among host cell debris in spaces within the lysed tissue. Several nuclear divisions involving meiosis, occur to form 4 isogametes within a gametocyst wall. This followed by pairing and copulation. Residual or somatic nuclei in 1 or 2 residual bodies later degenerate.

The 2 zygotes each form a delimiting wall becoming oocysts. The oocysts are usually lemon shaped with polar plugs. Four or eight sporozoites are formed internally after 2 or 3 nuclear divisions respectively.

Host records


This genus is a synonym of Coelogregarina Ghélélovitch, 1948.

Mattesia bombi has been moved to a new genus - Apicystis bombi.


  1. Naville A (1930) Recherches cytologiques sur les schizogrégarines. I. le cycle évolutif de Mattesia dispora n.g., n.sp. Z Zell Anat 11: 375-396