Matija Sabančić

Matija Sabančić (fl. 1463–71) was the titular King of Bosnia in the period of 1465–1471, as the first of two Ottoman-installed puppets in Bosnia. He was one of the last known members of the Kotromanić dynasty.


Sabančić was one of three sons of anti-king Radivoj of Bosnia (1432–1435), an illegitimate son of King Stephen Ostoja of Bosnia (r. 1398–1404, 1409–1418), and Catherine of Velika, daughter of Nicholas of Velika, who got married in 1449. His father unsuccessfully claimed the crown of Bosnia between 1432 and 1435. Matthias' brothers were Tvrtko (d. 1463) and George (fl. 1455).[1][2]

In 1463, Sabančić's father, brother Tvrtko and first cousin, King Stephen Tomašević of Bosnia, were executed on the order of the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, while the Kingdom of Bosnia was occupied by the Ottoman Empire. In the last months of 1465, Mehmed the Conqueror named Sabančić King of Bosnia. However, Sabančić gained little more than the title, as the actual kingdom was defunct.[1][2] His "realm" was probably Lašva Valley. The only sources that mention him are those of the Republic of Ragusa and are related to his granting favours.[3]

Sabančić was last mentioned in 1471. The second Ottoman puppet in Bosnia was Matija Vojsalić, installed in March or April 1476,[4] while at the same time King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary named Nicholas of Ilok as the Hungarian puppet King of Bosnia.



  1. 1.0 1.1 Klaić, Vjekoslav (1981). Povijest Hrvata od najstarijih vremena do svršetka XIX stoljeća. Nakladni zavod MH.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mandić, Dominik (1978). Bosna i Hercegovina: povjesno-kritička istraživanja. Zajednica izdanja ranjeni labud.
  3. Imamović, Mustafa (1999). Historija države i prava Bosne i Hercegovine. Michigansko sveučilište.
  4. Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine (1955). Godišnjak Istoriskog društva Bosne i Hercegovine 7. Istorisko društvo Bosne i Hercegovine. Drugi bosanski kralj koga su Turci postavili negđe marta ili aprila 1476 god. bio je, po S. Ćinkoviću, Matija Vojsalić. Početkom maja ovaj Matija stupio je Preko Dubrovnika u vezu s Ugrima, nastojeći da ga i oni priznaju za kralja. Juna iste ...
  5. 5.0 5.1 Adem Handžić (1975). Tuzla i njena okolina u XVI vijeku. Svjetlost.
  6. Владимир Ћоровић (1933). Историја Југославије. Народно дело. p. 258. Сам босански краљ Матија Шабанчић нудио се своме имењаку да пређе на хришћанску страну, ако га призна као босанскога владара. Када су га Турци због тога напали, упутили су му Мађарн хитно помоћ, која је дошла у прави ...
  7. Miroslav Krleža (1983). Sabrana djela Miroslava Krleže: Sa uredničkog stola. Oslobođenje. p. 139.
Matija Sabančić
Title last held by
Stephen Tomašević
as sovereign
King of Bosnia
Succeeded by
Matija Vojsalić