Matidia Minor

Mindia Matidia or Matidia Minor (Minor Latin for the younger, 85-after 161) was related to several important ancient Roman Emperors. The modern village of Matigge Italy, is named after her.

Matidia Minor was the daughter of Salonina Matidia from her second marriage to the unattested Roman Aristocrat Lucius Mindius. Her mother was a niece to Roman Emperor Trajan. Her half-sister Vibia Sabina, would be future Empress and wife to Roman Emperor Hadrian. Hadrian was also her third cousin.

After her father’s death in 85, Matidia along with her half-sisters lived with their grandmother, mother and were raised in the household of Trajan, his wife Pompeia Plotina and her stepfather. Matidia never received the title of Augusta, nor did she ever marry or have any children (which was unusual at the time). Yet she was a very wealthy, cultured and influential woman.

Trajan gave her a villa where modern Matigge, Italy is now located. Due to this villa, the city became known in Latin as Insula Matidiae (modern Matigge, Italy). Matidia became competent in her affairs and when her sister became Empress she would often travel with her and her brother-in-law.

Matidia paid for the restoration of the theatre of Sessa Aurunca which was probably damaged by an earthquake during the reign of Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161). Her generosity was commemorated with a statue here.

Matidia lived to an advanced age and outlived most of her relatives. She was very close to her great-nephew, the future Emperor Marcus Aurelius and his family, in her later years. Marcus Aurelius would sometimes allow his daughters to stay with his great-aunt.

Matidia, like many other childless women, "attracted a number of hangers-on who hoped to be remembered in her will". On her deathbed, they sealed her codicils (additions to her will) assuring their validity and ensuring that they would inherit some of her substantial estate. From her will, various family members and associates received a million sestertius (an ancient Roman coin currency), her estate and various other items she had. The administrator of the estate was the Empress Faustina the Younger.

Nerva–Antonine family tree

Q. Marcius Barea SoranusQ. Marcius Barea SuraAntonia FurnillaM. Cocceius NervaSergia PlautillaP. Aelius Hadrianus
(r. 79-81)
Marcia FurnillaMarciaTrajanus PaterNerva
(r. 96–98)
UlpiaAelius Hadrianus Marullinus
Julia FlaviaMarcianaC. Salonius MatidiusTrajan
(r. 98–117)
PlotinaP. Acilius AttianusP. Aelius AferPaulina MajorL. Julius Ursus Servianus
Lucius Mindius
Libo Rupilius Frugi
MatidiaL. Vibius Sabinus
AntinousHadrian (r. 117–138)Paulina
Matidia MinorSuetoniusSabina
Annius Verus
C. Fuscus Salinator IJulia Serviana Paulina
Rupilia FaustinaBoionia ProcillaCn. Arrius Antoninus
L. Caesennius PaetusL. Ceionius CommodusAppia SeveraC. Fuscus Salinator II
Arria AntoniaArria FadillaT. Aurelius Fulvus
L. Caesennius AntoninusLucius
Fundania PlautiaIgnota PlautiaC. Avidius
Antoninus Pius
(r. 138–161)
M. Annius VerusDomitia LucillaFundaniaM. Annius LiboFAUSTINALucius Aelius
Avidia Plautia
(r. 161–180)
FAUSTINA MinorC. Avidius CassiusAurelia FadillaLUCIUS VERUS
(r. 161–169)
Ceionia FabiaPlautius QuintillusQ. Servilius PudensCeionia Plautia
Cornificia MinorM. Petronius SuraCOMMODUS
(r. 177–192)
FadillaM. Annius Verus CaesarTi. Claudius Pompeianus (2)LucillaM. Plautius QuintillusJunius Licinius BalbusServilia Ceionia
Petronius AntoninusL. Aurelius Agaclytus
Aurelia SabinaL. Antistius Burrus
Plautius QuintillusPlautia ServillaC. Furius Sabinus TimesitheusAntonia GordianaJunius Licinius Balbus
Furia Sabina TranquillinaGORDIAN III
(r. 238-244)

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