Mathematics and Computing Engineering

Mathematics & Computing Engineering is a discipline that integrates mathematics with Computer science and Financial engineering. The course provides students with comprehensive theoretical knowledge and also the practical training in computer science, mathematical finance and numerical computing. This programme has been introduced in various Universities all over the globe due to the need for sophisticated mathematics for modern scientific investigations and technological developments. The curriculum is designed to provide students with in depth theoretical background and practical training in computer science, mathematical finance and numerical computing.[1][2][3][4] Graduates of this programme will be ready for careers in software industries, financial institutions and government organizations or for pursuing research. The course emphasizes on algorithm building, numerical methods and symbolic methods. It is a distinct part of applied mathematics. Students of Mathematics and Computing Engineering also get exposure to Computer science as well as Electrical engineering.[5][6] [7] [8] [9] [9] [10]


Mathematics & Computing Engineering degree has been in existence from a long period of time, though the nomenclature & duration of course may have been different. The degree awarded varies with the duration of course. Mathematics & computing can have a simple BS (Bachelor of Science) as well as a Bachelor of Engineering and/or Technology. As with most engineering disciplines, having a sound knowledge of mathematics and science is necessary for Mathematics & Computing Engineers as Mathematics forms the core of this Discipline.

Specialty areas

There are many specialty areas in the field of Mathematics & Computing engineering, Varying from areas in Computer Science to Mathematical Finance, Study of Algorithms, etcetra.

Similar occupations and field


  1. "Delhi Technological University Online Resource".
  2. "Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Mathematics and Computing IIT Guwahati".
  3. "Department of Mathematics IIT Delhi".
  4. "Department of Applied Mathematics at IT-BHU".
  5. "Mathematics and Computing Engineering: Career360".
  6. "Mathematics and Computing Science, University of Surrey".
  7. "Mathematics and Computing, University of Brighton".
  8. "Departments of Computing, Imperial College London".
  9. 9.0 9.1 "Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford".
  10. "Maths & Computing, University of Technology, Sydney".