Master of Business

A Master of Business (MBus) or Master of Business Studies is an academic degree refers to a qualification in the degree of master that can be obtained by students of recognized universities and colleges who complete the relevant approved postgraduate programmes of study, pass the prescribed examinations, and fulfil all other prescribed conditions.

Generally, MBus is similar to Master of Commerce (MCom); these two degrees do not have significant difference.

Programme Design

The Master of Business is usually designed for:

Typical Framework

The course will differ from institution to institution and can be in either taught or researched format but in general, it will encompass some or all of the following modules; Students who wish to focus in a particular area of study may choose a sequence of courses from within the specialisations:

The orientation of the programme very much depends on the chosen specialisation. Students can eventually choose to specialize in any of the above areas or in areas of particular relevance to them and their future careers. A typical course outline involves both structured coursework and independent research, with a strong emphasis on student initiative.

See also