Master Man (Quality Comics)

Master Man was a Kid Eternity villain who made his first appearance in Kid Eternity #15. He is a type of reverse polarity Kid Eternity, similar to the way Ibac is to Captain Marvel. Kid Eternity's opposite number, Master Man was given powers similar to the Kid's by a figure heavily implied to be the Devil. When Master Man said "Stygia", he could summon any evil historical or mythological figure from Stygia. He was an average sized man with black hair, who wore a green cape and a military type uniform with a Skull and Crossbones on the front. He was also a smoker. Master Man was sent by the being who gave him his powers to spread evil on earth. He summoned Rasputin to help him cause a jailbreak, but Kid Eternity prevented this. Master Man then captured Kid Eternity and summoned Torquemada to cause the Kid such pain he would request eternal death. However the Kid freed himself. Master Man summoned up Batu Khan but the Kid summoned Charles Martel who defeated the Mongol. As Master Man tried to escape the shadowy figure caused the ground to open, sending him into fire.


Master Man is not to be confused with other comic book characters with the name Master Man.
