Massimo Giorgetti

Massimo Giorgetti (Verona, 20 October 1959) is an Italian politician.

He joined the Italian Social Movement in 1975 and served as the party's provincial secretary in Verona. In 1995 he joined National Alliance.

Four times elected to the Regional Council of Veneto (1995, 2000, 2005, 2005), he was regional minister for 20 consecutive years: minister of Environment in Galan I Government (1995–2000), minister of Public Works in Galan II Government (2000–2005), Galan I Government (2005–2010) and Zaia I Government (2010–2015).[1]

He is the older brother of Alberto Giorgetti, who was regional leader of National Alliance, has been a long-time member of the Chamber of Deputies and served as under-secretary of Economy and Finances under minister Giulio Tremonti in Berlusconi IV Cabinet.
