Masseteric nerve

Masseteric nerve

Mandibular division of the trifacial nerve. (Masseteric visible near center.)
Latin nervus massetericus
mandibular nerve
Innervates Masseter muscle, temporomandibular joint
Gray's p.894
TA A14.2.01.070
FMA 53103
Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

The masseteric nerve passes laterally, above the Pterygoideus externus, in front of the temporomandibular articulation, and behind the tendon of the Temporalis; it crosses the mandibular notch with the masseteric artery, to the deep surface of the Masseter, in which it ramifies nearly as far as its anterior border.

It is a branch of the mandibular nerve (V3).

It gives a filament to the temporomandibular joint.

See also


This article incorporates text in the public domain from the 20th edition of Gray's Anatomy (1918)