Martin Luther High School, Okombahe

Martin Luther High School (MLH) is a boarding school in the village of Okombahe in the Erongo Region of central Namibia, named after German church reformer Martin Luther.

Martin Luther High was opened in 1968 at the initiative of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South-West Africa. Originally planned for the nearby town of Karibib, the South African administration did not approve the establishment of a school for black children in the white-only town. Instead, a place had to be found where white teachers and black pupils could live segregated, and the school was opened in Okombahe at the edge of the Damaraland bantustan.[1]

The school for 260 students has fallen into disrepair and launched a campaign in 2014 to have its basic amenities repaired.[2]

Notable teachers and alumni

See also
