Martín Cortés, 2nd Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca

Don Martín Cortés y Zúñiga, 2nd Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca (1532–1589) was the son and designated heir of Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés by his second wife, Doña Juana de Zúñiga. Don Martín shared his name with an elder half-brother, whose mother was Doña Marina.


Don Martín Cortés y Zǘñiga was born in Cuernavaca, (in what is now the post-independence state of Morelos), in the then-viceroyalty of New Spain, now Mexico. He had an older half-brother with the same name Martín Cortés (el Mestizo), 1523-1568, son of Hernán Cortés y La Malinche, nicknamed "El Mestizo". Illegitimate by birth, Doña Marina's son Martín lacked the noble title of don, which his younger, legitimate half-brother held.[1] Don Martín also had three sisters, Doña María Cortés y Zúñiga, Doña Catalina Cortés y Zúñiga, and Doña Juana Cortés y Zúñiga.[2] In this article Don Martín Cortés Zúñiga is referred to as "Don Martín" while any reference to his brother will be suffixed "el Mestizo".

According to one modern assessment, "Martín Cortés was everything his father was not....In place of courage, diplomatic genius, and a talent for leadership, [Don] Martín faced with a straightforward arrogance that he claimed as his birthright."[3]

Don Martín and his brother Don Luis traveled with their father to Spain in 1540, to serve King Charles I of Spain, and later his successor Philip II of Spain.[4] As a young man, Don Martín became friends with the then Prince Philip. With Prince Philip, he participated in the campaign against the rebellious Low Countries.[5] Through his friendship with Prince Philip, who became Philip II following his father's abdication, Don Martín gained security of title to his estates in New Spain, who "commanded that all the estates and Indian tributaries granted to Hernán Cortés in recognition of his conquests be passed on to his son."[6]

During his residence in Spain, he married his cousin, Doña Ana Ramírez de Arellano, daughter of the Count of Aguilar, Don Pedro Ramírez de Arellano.[7] He maintained close ties with the aristocracy and intelligentsia of the moment, such as the writer Francisco López de Gómara, whom he sponsored to write the biography of his father Hernán Cortés.[8]

Don Martín, with brother Don Luis and half brother Martín el Mestizo, returned to New Spain in 1563,met by "raucous welcoming parties", particularly of disgruntled encomenderos, and he was met by the viceroy himself, Don Luis de Velasco.[9] At the time, during a period of disturbances in the city of Mexico City, Don Martín, the second Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca, was the richest person in New Spain, with many encomiendas in various parts of New Spain, as well as the entailed estate as Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca. In Francisco López de Gómara's dedication of his biography of Cortés to its sponsor Don Martín, he says to the young Marquis in admonition, "in the first instance you have wealth; in the second, fame, for honor and riches go hand in hand. At the same time your inheritance obligates you to emulate the deeds of your father, Hernán Cortés, and to spend well what he left you."[10] Martín Cortés acquired the "bad habit," that habit acquired in "los Países Bajos" (present day Netherlands), of toasting. Toasting offended some elites' sense of good manners in Nueva España.[11] However, more than a breach of etiquette were Don Martín's attempt to be considered the most important man in New Spain—rather than the crown's appointed viceroy. Don Martín hijacked the visit of a royal inspector, Jerónimo de Valderrama, who under normal protocols would have been met by the viceroy and stayed in the viceregal palace. Don Martín's welcoming party greeted Valderrama first and persuaded him to stay with him rather than the viceroy.[12] Although this might seem trivial it was a strong signal that the 2nd Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca was challenging the viceroy's power.

Encomenderos' Conspiracy and Aftermath

Don Martín led a movement along with some encomenderos, fighting to prevent the abolition of encomiendas mandated by the New Laws of 1542, (but not yet in effect in New Spain but rumored soon to be)[13] and greater autonomy for the New Spain. From the encomenderos' point of view, they were the heirs of the conquerors who had given the crown this rich and vast territory and they sought to retain what they considered their just rewards for service with their encomienda grants. The crown for its part was increasingly opposed to the development of a noble group who challenged the crown's power and perquisites, so the New Laws that limited the inheritance of encomiendas was a mechanism to phase out these sources of wealth and power for the conqueror group. In New Spain, on the death of the Viceroy Don Luís de Velasco in 1564, Don Martín was named Captain General by the Mexico City Council with hints of independence for the viceroyalty. In 1565 two sons of an important conqueror seemed to go beyond merely advocating protection of the conqueror group's interests and offered to raise rebellion and crown Don Martín king of New Spain. According to contemporary observer Juan Suárez de Peralta (a relative of Hernán Cortés's late first wife, Catalina Suárez), Don Martín was not all in with the conspirators but did not discourage them.[14] Don Martín's vacillation caused the plot to be first postponed and then abandoned. But on 16 July 1566, the plotters were betrayed and the leaders arrested, including Don Martín, his brothers, and the rich and influential Alonso de Ávila, nephew of the conquistador of the same name. The two main conspirators were sentenced to death and beheaded.[15]

In Don Martín's trial, he was accused of treason and inciting rebellion against the king. According to the trial questionnaires, of which 388 leaves are found in the Harkness Collection of the Library of Congress (and published in transcription and English translation),[16] Don Martín was accused of seeking to overturn the Audiencia (high court) and its judges be assassinated, following which Don Martín would become king of New Spain. The questionnaires for the trial were drawn up in September 1566 and another in November. There were powerful witnesses testifying to the Marqués's participation in the plot, including the brother and son of the late viceroy of New Spain, Don Luis de Velasco. Testifying for Don Martín were the Provincial for the Augustinian Order and two Provincials of the Franciscan Order, but there were a range of supporters including two musicians, a surgeon, a lawyer, a silversmith, the son and wife of an apothecary, and a free black woman named Margarida Pérez.[17]

The monarch sent a judge, Alonso de Muñoz to deal with the perceived threat to the colony. Muñoz "unleashed a reign of terror. Hundred of Spanish settlers were arrested and tortured and scores beheaded."[18] Muñoz was recalled to Spain and thrown into prison.[19] on arrival of the new viceroy Don Gastón de Peralta on 15 November 1567. The Cortés brothers were spared death. The failed encomenderos' conspiracy and aftermath was the end of effective power of this group.

Don Martín, who had been spared beheading, was given leave in April of 1567 to travel to Spain to plead their case before the King, with whom he had been friends since before his ascendance to the throne. Before he left New Spain, he was required to swear allegiance to the crown and to present himself in Spain to the king within 50 days of his arrival.[20] Don Martín was under house arrest briefly, but promising not to return to New Spain, he was released and resumed his profligate life in Madrid funded by his vast wealth.[21]

He had briefly lost the entailed estate of the Marquesado, but returned them in 1574.[22] Don Martín Cortés died in Madrid, Spain, 13 August 1589, the 68th anniversary of the fall of Tenochtitlan. His successors to the title never resided in Mexico, but lived in Spain and later Italy.[23]

The Marquesado in later years

Given his exile in Spain, Don Martín had to rely on able administrators to run the sprawling estates of the Marquisate of the Valley of Oaxaca. The position of administrator (the "governor") was leased to the highest bidder for nine years, which guaranteed the Marquesado income and in exchange the governor had considerable power virtually all aspects of the estate—administrative, fiscal, and judicial.[24] As with the estates of the Jesuits in New Spain, the Marquesado was administered as a unit, despite the scattered individual haciendas in central and southern Mexico. These were business enterprises run for profit.[25] The administrators handled all matters pertaining to the estate. A codex held by the Latin American Library at Tulane University, the "Atatepec Land Claim [Petition to recover a tract of land from the marques]," describes litigation against don Martín Cortés.[26]


  1. An extensive discussion of the use of the titles don and doña in early Spanish America is found in James Lockhart, Spanish Peru, 1532-1560, A Social History, University of Wisconsin Press, 2nd edition 1994, pp. 39-46.
  2. Francisco López de Gómara, Cortés, The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, trans. and edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press 1964, p. 408.
  3. Jonathan Kandell, La Capital: The Biography of Mexico City, New York: Random House 1988, p. 190.
  4. Francisco López de Gómara, Cortés, The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, trans. and edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press 1964, p. 407.
  5. Kandell, ibid.
  6. Kandell, ibid. pp. 190-191
  7. Francisco López de Gómara, Cortés, The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, trans. and edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press 1964, p. 408.
  8. Lesley Byrd Simpson, "Introduction" to Cortés, The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, by Francisco López de Gómara, trans. and edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press 1964, p. xvi.
  9. Kandell, ibid. 191.
  10. Francisco López de Gómara, Cortés, The Life of the Conqueror by his Secretary, trans. and edited by Lesley Byrd Simpson. Berkeley: University of California Press 1964, p. 3.
  11. Juan Suárez de Peralta "Tratado del decubrimiento de las Ynidas y su conquista"
  12. Kandell ibid., p. 192.
  13. J. Benedict Warren, "Calendar of the Harkness Collection", The Harkness Collection in the Library of Congress: Manuscripts concerning Mexico, a guide. Washington DC: Library of Congress 1974, p.13
  14. Kandell ibid. 192-93 citing Suárez de Peralta, La conjuración de Martín Cortés y otros temasMexico, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México p. 10.
  15. Juan Suárez de Peralta "Tratado del decubrimiento de las Ynidas y su conquista"
  16. J. Benedict Warren, editor and translator, "Questionnaires from the Trial of the Second Marqués del Valle for Conspiracy, 1566",The Harkness Collection in the Library of Congress: Manuscripts concerning Mexico, a guide. Washington DC: Library of Congress 1974, pp. 246-301.
  17. Warren, ibid. pp. 13-14
  18. Kandell ibid. 194.
  19. Kandell, ibid.
  20. Warren, ibid. p. 14
  21. Kandell, ibid. 194
  22. Lolita Gutierrez Brockington, The Leverage of Labor: Managing the Cortés Haciendas of Tehuantepec, 1588-1688. Durham: Duke University Press 1989, p. 99.
  23. ibid., p. 25
  24. Brockington, ibid. p. 33
  25. Brockington, ibid. pp. 25-30.
  26. "Mexican Pictorial Manuscripts". Latin American Library at Tulane University. Retrieved 2013-12-28.
Spanish nobility
Preceded by
Hernán Cortés
Marquis of the Valley of Oaxaca
Succeeded by
Fernando Cortés