Markazu Saqafathi Sunniya

Jamia Markazu Ssaqafathi Ssunniyya is a Shafi'i Sunni Islamic university in Kerala, a prominent Islamic institution in India under Kanthapuram A. P. Aboobacker Musalyar. Operating since 1978, it is located 14 kilometers east of Calicut, The foundation stone was laid by the Islamic scholar of Makkah sayed Muhammad-ibn Alavi-al-Maliki. It has roughly 20,000 students studying Qur'an, Hadith, Fiq’h, Arts, Science and Technology under different institutes.. It has become one of the major educational institutions in south India and has 40 branches providing education from pre-school to master's level and religious training. It is playing a key-role for the renaissance of Muslim community. It is a safe heaven for orphans and the destitute. The charitable services to the needy and destitute are the main objective of Markaz. Markazu ssaqafathi ssunniyya is one of the few Islamic educational bodies of its kind in the world and the largest socio-cultural and religious center in India.

Al-Azhar University of Cairo has extended its recognition to courses taught by the Jamia Markazu Ssaqafati Sunniyya. Markazu ssaqafathissunniya is started a branch in Dubai with various courses in Islamic studies. Recently, a branch of the Markaz has been established as the Jamia Nizamuddin at New Delhi.


Health service

The Health service is provided by a team of doctors both in the campus hospital and the research centre. Students who are ill are treated free of charge. A specialist hospital is also under construction. A network of staff and students working as first-aiders, provides additional back-up for the Health Service.

Welfare services

Markaz provides financial aid to poor students for further studies. There is a special fund for assisting the students who aspire to study here and abroad, top scorers attend universities in Egypt, Russia, etc. Markaz sponsors medical and engineering students studying in Kerala and other states like Karnataka, Utter pradesh and Delhi. There is a special welfare outlet functioning in the capital city, Delhi.[1] [2]

Markaz is giving degreea (sanad) in Islamic studies as SAQAFI students of markaz are doing Islamic da'awath in various place of world, like Africa, UK, New Zealand etc.

Markaz outside Kerala

The divisional offices and regional centers of Markaz are spread on a number of places; mainly in

Library and media resources libraries

Marlazu Ssaqafathi Ssunniyya Library is known for the breadth and depth of its material. It offers you a wide range of learning resources to help with study and contains more than 25,000 books and subscribes to a number of periodicals. This library's archives contain several rare collections of ancient manuscripts of Quran and other authentic volumes. Markaz is attempting to obtain more such valuable antiques. There is also a small collection of rare printed books. It is reputed to be one of the largest in Islamic varsities.


External links