Marjanishvili Theater

Marjanishvili theatre building, Beginning of 20th century.

Marjanishvili State Academic Drama Theatre (Georgian: კოტე მარჯანიშვილის სახელობის სახელმწიფო აკადემიური დრამატული თეატრი) is the second state theatre in Tbilisi, Georgia. Originally founded in Kutaisi in 1928 by Kote Marjanishvili, the theatre moved to Tbilisi in 1930 to the former Brothers Zubalashvili philanthropic "Public House", the building it occupies up to date.

The theatre building was thoroughly renovated and reopened in 2006 with the premiere of Bertolt Brecht's The Threepenny Opera.

Otar Megvinetukhucesi, Sofiko Chiaureli, Givi Berikashvili;