Marine Conservation Zone

A Marine Conservation Zone is a type of marine nature reserve in UK waters. They are established under the Marine and Coastal Access Act (2009).[1]

Lundy Island was the first MCZ designated in 2010.[2] By April 2015 27 had been protected.

No Take Zones

Lundy includes a "no-take zone" of 3.3km2, which had been established prior to the designation of the MCZ.[3] However, there are only three no-take zones in the UK, covering five square kilometers. There has been criticism of the Marine Conservation Areas for not providing such protection to a higher proportion of UK waters.[4]


  1. "Marine Conservation Zones". JNCC. Retrieved 11 April 2015.
  3. In 2003 the first statutory no-take zone for marine nature conservation in the UK was set up in the waters to the east of Lundy island. It is illegal to remove sea life from the area in question.
  4. Monbiot, George. "The UK's marine reserves are nothing but paper parks". Retrieved 7 April 2015.