Margaret A. Anderson

Born 1964 (age 5051)
  • University of Maryland College Park, B.A. (Government & Politics), 1986
  • The George Washington University Elliot School of International Affairs, M.A. (Science, Technology, and Public Policy), 1988
Title Executive Director


Margaret A. Anderson is the Executive Director of FasterCures, a nonprofit organization dedicated to accelerating the pace of medical research and development.[2] She leads the organization’s efforts in transforming the medical research system to become more effective and efficient. She manages its day-to-day operations as well as ongoing implementation of its programs and strategic plan. She also serves as Board Secretary of Melanoma Research Alliance, a nonprofit that works toward accelerated medical treatment specifically for melanoma. In January 2012, Margaret was named President of the Alliance for a Stronger FDA.[3]

Ms. Anderson formerly worked at the Academy for Educational Development (AED) in Washington D.C., between 1999 and 2004, as the deputy director and a team leader in the Center on AIDS & Community Health. She also served as a Program Director for the Society for Women's Health Research, a Health Science Analyst for the American Public Health Association, and an Analyst and Project Director for the Office of Technology Assessment. In addition, Ms. Anderson is a member of the Institutional Review Board at Whitman-Walker Clinic(a nonprofit health organization established by and for the gay and lesbian community.) Margaret Anderson earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Maryland, College Park (1986) and a Master's Degree in Science, Technology and Public Policy from George Washington University's Elliott School of International Affairs (1988).


  1. "Margaret Anderson". LinkedIn. Retrieved 2012-04-08.
  2. "Margaret A. Anderson biography". Translational Medicine Alliance Forum. Washington, DC: Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. October 13–14, 2010. Retrieved 2012-04-08.
  3. "Alliance for a Stronger FDA announces new leadership for 2012". Alliance for a Stronger FDA Media Releases. Retrieved February 1, 2012.