Marek Szwarc

Marek Szwarc was a painter and sculptor. He was born in Zgierz, Poland on May 9, 1892 and died in Paris, France on December 28, 1958.

Early years

From 1910 to 1914, Szwarc lived and studied art at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He boarded at la Ruche together with Soutine, Marc Chagall, and Kremegne, and together with Tchaikov and Lichtenstein inaugurated the first Jewish art journal Makhmadim (Precious Ones). In 1913 he exhibited his first sculpture, Eve, in the Salon d'Automne.

During the First World War Szwarc returned to Poland. In 1919 he met and married his wife, Guina, a writer, and together they returned to Paris after the war. Until the Second World War, Szwarc lived in Paris and his paintings and sculptures were bought by collectors in Germany, Poland, the United States, and by several museums. It was during this period between the wars that he produced some of his most outstanding and original work in hammered copper, exhibited in the Salon des Tuileries and the subject of a monograph by Louis Vauxcelles.

Later years

When Poland fell in 1939, Szwarc volunteered for the Polish army in exile and after the occupation of France he escaped with the Polish army to Scotland, while his family fled via Lisbon to England. It was during this period (1940–1943) that he drew a series of pen and ink drawings depicting the daily life of his fellow soldiers.

After the war he returned to Paris with his wife and daughter, Tereska Torres who had served in the Free French Forces of General Charles de Gaulle in London. She published two books dealing in large part with the life of her father. After the war Marek Szwarc devoted most of his time to sculpting in stone and wood and casting in bronze. Some of these works have been donated to the Musee d'art et d'Histoire du Judaisme in Paris. Other works from this period can still be seen in his atelier in Paris.


Marek Szwarc died suddenly at the age of 66. His wife, Guina died in Paris in 1973. Today he is survived by his daughter and grandchildren. In 2010 the French publishing house brought out an edition of Szwarc's memoirs, which he dictated to his wife Eugenia (Guina) Markowa in 1954 titled Marek Szwarc: Memoires entre deux mondes.

Works and exhibitions

Szwarc's work, broadly identified in style with the Ecole de Paris, was frequently but not exclusively concerned with biblical themes from the Old and New Testament. The latter motifs coming into play after his conversion to Catholicism in 1919. His identity as a Jew, however, never wavered, as is evidenced in his article, The National Element in Jewish Art, published in a Yiddish literary journal in Warsaw in 1925.

He exhibited in Sweden, Austria, France, Canada, Belgium, Poland, and several sculptures were bought by the French government.

The artist's works are on display in museums, public halls, places of worship, and private collections in Poland, Israel, Montreal, Caracas, the United States, and England.

External links