March 2014

March 2014 was the third month of that common year. The month, which began on a Saturday, ended on a Monday after 31 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from March 2014.

March 1, 2014 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Science and technology
Politics and elections
  • 2014 Venezuelan protests: Clashes continue between anti-government protesters and security forces after 41 people are arrested. (Al Jazeera)
  • Proposals to change the automatic trade union affiliation with the UK Labour Party are passed at a special party conference vote by 86% to 14%. (BBC)
March 2, 2014 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and Accidents
  • Alabama's oldest hotel, the Mentone Springs Hotel - built in 1884 and listed on the register of historical places - burns to the ground. (Chattanoogan)
Politics and elections
March 3, 2014 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Art and culture
Business and Economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
  • Scientists announce the discovery of pithovirus, the largest giant virus yet known, from a 30,000 year old sample of frozen tundra. (Nature)
  • Graeme Smith, the captain of the South Africa cricket team, announces his retirement from international cricket at the end of the current series against Australia. (BBC)
March 4, 2014 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attack
  • 2014 Crimean crisis:
    • Russian President Vladimir Putin holds a press conference, saying that “force isn’t needed right now” after deploying roughly 16,000 troops to Crimea. (Reuters)
    • Swedish foreign secretary Carl Bildt compares the ousted Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych to Norwegian traitor Vidkun Quisling after Yanukovych asked Russia to intervene to restore "law and order" in the country. (Dagens Næringsliv)
    • Russia's UN ambassador says to the UN Security Council that Ukraine's fugitive former President Viktor Yanukovych requested Russian soldiers in the strategic Crimea region "to establish legitimacy, peace, law and order," contradicting the president's own comments last week. (Times of India)
    • Vladimir Putin orders troops near the Ukraine border to return to their bases with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov calling the military exercises a "success". (Telegraph)
  • Islamist unrest in Egypt (2013–present):
Business and economy
  • A New York gold and gold futures trader files a lawsuit against the international banks involved in the twice-daily teleconferences that set the price of that metal. (Reuters)
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
  • A New Jersey judge has ruled that the parents of their 18-year-old daughter do not have to pay for her college education after the teen filed a lawsuit against them seeking support and alleging abuse. (CBS)
March 5, 2014 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts
  • 2014 Crimean crisis:
    • UN Envoy Robert Serry is ordered to leave Crimea at gunpoint after being threatened by 10–15 armed men. (AP)
    • Saying she cannot be part of a network that "whitewashes the actions of Russian President Vladimir Putin", Washington-based anchor Liz Wahl resigns on-air from the Russian government-backed news channel RT. (The Guardian) (CNN)
  • The Israel Defense Forces captures an Iranian ship carrying long-range artillery rockets to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip (CNN)
Arts and culture
  • An 1,800-year-old Egyptian papyrus discovered a century ago, whose inscription is nearly illegible to the naked eye, has been made more readable using infrared sensors, revealing the message to be a soldier's letter to his family. (Live Science)
Business and economy
  • Radio Shack announces the closure of up to 1,100 stores. (USA Today)
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
  • The U.S. Supreme Court interprets the whistle-blower provisions of Sarbanes-Oxley to protect the employees of privately owned companies that contract with public companies, in a case involving a group of mutual fund entities. (SCOTUSBlog)
Politics and elections
March 6, 2014 (Thursday)
Arts and culture
Armed conflicts and attacks
International relations
Politics and elections
March 7, 2014 (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Art and culture
  • A statue of Iset, daughter of King Amenhotep III who was the grandfather of Tutankhamun and ruler of Ancient Egypt around 3,350 years ago, has been unearthed by a team of Egyptian and European archaeologists. The statue, which depicts Iset alone without her father, is the first of its kind ever discovered. (GMA News)
Business and economy
Health and science
International relations
Law and crime
March 8, 2014 (Saturday)
Disasters and accidents
Politics and elections
March 9, 2014 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
Politics and elections
March 10, 2014 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • Irish fruit firm Fyffes and U.S. rival Chiquita agree to combine, creating the world's largest banana company in an all-stock deal valued at about $1.07 billion. (BBC)
  • Pizza chain Sbarro files for chapter 11 bankruptcy for the second time in 3 years. (Reuters)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
March 11, 2014 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
March 12, 2014 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
  • Fiji's Health Department confirms that eleven people have died and over 10,000 people have been infected in an outbreak of the type three strain of dengue fever. (ABC Online)
International relations
Politics and elections
  • A new law levying criminal penalties on yeshiva students who dodge military service in the Israeli Defence Forces passes the Knesset with near unanimous support as the entire opposition boycotts the vote; Yoni Chetboun from Jewish Home is the lone no-voter. (Times of Israel)
Science and technology
March 13, 2014 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • 2014 Crimean crisis:
    • Leaders in the Ukrainian Kherson Oblast threaten to shut off all power and water to Crimea if the referendum goes forward. (FOX)
    • Russia masses its military near the Ukrainian border again as new military operations are announced. (BBC)
  • At least 100 rockets have been fired from Gaza into southern Israel over the last 3 days, with the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine claiming responsibility. The IDF responded by shelling two alleged PIJ targets. (J Post)
  • Islamist unrest in Egypt (2013–present):
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Law and Crime
Science and technology
March 14, 2014 (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
International relations
Politics and elections
International relations
March 15, 2014 (Saturday)
Disasters and accidents
Business and economy
  • Jack Lew, the U.S. Treasury Secretary, speaks to Wang Yang, vice premier of the People's Republic of China, and expresses U.S. approval of China's new, wider, daily trading band for its renminbi. (Reuters)
Politics and elections
March 16, 2014 (Sunday)
Politics and elections
March 17, 2014 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
  • Model and fashion designer L'Wren Scott is found dead in her New York apartment. (BBC)
International relations
Natural disasters
  • A 6.7 magnitude earthquake strikes off the coast of Chile with officials issuing precautionary tsunami warnings for the nation's coast. (CNN)
Politics and elections
Science and technology
March 18, 2014 (Tuesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Arts and culture
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Politics and elections
March 19, 2014 (Wednesday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Business and economy
Politics and elections
March 20, 2014 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Politics and elections
International relations
March 21, 2014 (Friday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Iraqi insurgency (post-U.S. withdrawal):
    • Gunmen attack a police headquarters north of Baghdad and suicide bombers strike across Iraq killing 25 people and injuring dozens. (AP via Washington Post)
  • Clashes erupt in Tripoli, Lebanon, between Syrian regime supporters and detractors, leaving 3 dead. (TIME)
Business and economy
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
March 22, 2014 (Saturday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
  • A member of the governing council of the European Central Bank says that the ECB may yet cut interest rates still further, into negative territory. (Reuters)
Disasters and accidents
International relations
March 23, 2014 (Sunday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Turkish F-16s shoot down a Syrian military aircraft for purportedly violating Turkish airspace. A Syrian Arab Republic spokesman denies this claim and says the aircraft was in Syrian airspace when it was shot down. (AP) (Al-Arabiya)
  • Two gunmen storm a Christian church in Kenya during a Sunday service, killing at least six people and wounding more than a dozen others. (Reuters), (ABC News Australia)
Law and crime
Politics and elections
  • Barcelona moved to within a point of Real Madrid at the top of La Liga as they twice came from behind thanks to a Lionel Messi hat-trick to edge a thrilling El Clasico 4-3 at the Santiago Bernabeu.
March 24, 2014 (Monday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
  • Twenty soldiers are killed in an attack on a military checkpoint in eastern Yemen. (BBC)
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
  • Islamist unrest in Egypt (2013–present):
    • A court in Minya, Egypt, sentences 528 supporters of former President Mohammed Morsi to death for a range of offenses including murdering a policeman and attacks on people and property. It is the largest mass death sentence handed down in recent history anywhere in the world. (BBC) (The Independent)
  • A Chinese court jails a man for 18 months after he applied for permission to protest on the anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests. (Al Jazeera)
March 25, 2014 (Tuesday)
Arts and Culture
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
Law and crime
  • Garda phone tapping scandal:
    • Martin Callinan resigns as Commissioner of Ireland's Garda Síochána (national police) over his "disgusting" comment about whistleblowers made to a parliamentary committee. Callinan had also been involved in controversy over the recent surveillance/bugging of GSOC. (BBC) (The Journal)
    • As Callinan goes, details emerge that the national police have been involved in phone tapping since the 1980s: the Irish Government establishes an inquiry into the matter. (BBC)
    • A former Garda is found to have perverted the course of justice on two occasions and admits having cocaine for sale or supply. (RTÉ News)
    • A letter titled “Recordings of Telephone Conversations made and retained in Garda Stations” is leaked revealing that Callinan mentioned the telephone tapping to the Department of Justice more than two weeks ago and that the Attorney General knew on 11 November 2013. (The Journal)
  • Islamist unrest in Egypt (2013–present):
  • Four men are arrested after BASE jumping from the top of the World Trade Center in New York City. (CNN)
Politics and elections
March 26, 2014 (Wednesday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
Science and technology
March 27, 2014 (Thursday)
Armed conflicts and attacks
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
  • Garda phone tapping scandal:
    • As the scandal rages on, it emerges Martin Callinan, who resigned as Garda Commissioner this week, wished to withdraw his use of the word "disgusting" to describe the behaviour of whistleblowers but was prevented from doing so by officials in the Department of Justice. (RTÉ News)
  • Philippines signs a peace accord with the largest Muslim rebel group, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, ending decades of conflict. The Comprehensive Agreement on Bangsamoro will pave way for autonomous Bangsamoro. (Aljazeera)
  • Iwao Hakamada, the world's longest serving death row inmate, is freed from a Japanese prison and granted a retrial after serving 48 years. (Washington Post)
Science and technology
  • It is announced publicly that, three months ago, doctors at the University Medical Center Utrecht, in Utrecht, Netherlands, successfully implanted a 3-D printed skull (most of it), from Australian company Anatomics, in a medical first, into an unnamed female patient. (NBC)
  • The journal Science publishes that an international team of scientists have for the first time successfully replaced one of the sixteen chromosomes of the genome of a yeast cell with a synthetic DNA chromosome. (BBC)
  • A study finds that Cuvier's beaked whale is capable of diving to a depth of 3.2km and staying under water for 137 minutes, both records for a mammal. (
March 28, 2014 (Friday)
Business and economy
Disasters and accidents
International relations
Law and crime
  • Buddhist mobs in western Myanmar reportedly target foreign aid groups and workers in reaction to supposedly disrespectful treatment of a Buddhist flag. (CNN)
  • A shooting occurs at a courthouse in Brampton, Ontario, Canada, with one shooter dead and a police officer injured. (Associated Press)
  • The US Geological Survey records a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in the Los Angeles area of California. (RTÉ News)
March 29, 2014 (Saturday)
Arts and Culture
Attacks and conflicts
International relations
  • 2014 Crimean crisis:
    • Sergei Lavrov, the Foreign Minister of Russia, says that Russia has no intention of invading Ukraine. (Reuters)
  • The Republic of the Philippines ship was blocked by Chinese Coast Guard ship near the Philippine held territory Ayungin Shoal.
Law and crime
  • The first same-sex marriages take place in the United Kingdom after they were given the legal authority to proceed in England and Wales from midnight UTC. (BBC)
Politics and elections
March 30, 2014 (Sunday)
International Relations
  • The Republic of the Philippines files a case to an international tribunal in The Hague in its case against China over competing South China Sea claims.
Law and crime
  • Garda phone tapping scandal:
    • Court documents seen by RTÉ Radio 1's This Week indicate that Gardaí recorded phone conversations with two main witnesses during the 1996 Sophie Toscan du Plantier murder investigation. (RTÉ News)
Politics and elections
March 31, 2014 (Monday)
Armed conflict and attacks
Arts and culture
International relations
Law and crime
Politics and elections
Science and technology
<< March 2014 >>
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30 31
 Ongoing events




  • 2014 Guinea ebola outbreak


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Middle East

  • Iraqi insurgency


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