March 1999

March 1999 was the third month of that common year. The month, which began on a Monday, ended on a Wednesday after 31 days.

Portal:Current events

This is an archived version of Wikipedia's Current events Portal from March 1999.

March 1, 1999 (Monday)
March 3, 1999 (Wednesday)
March 4, 1999 (Thursday)
  • Monica Lewinsky's book detailing her affair with Bill Clinton goes on sale in the United States.
  • In a military court, Captain Richard Ashby of the United States Marines is acquitted of the charge of reckless flying which resulted in the deaths of twenty skiers in the Italian Alps when his low-flying jet hit a gondola lift cable.
March 12, 1999 (Friday)
March 15, 1999 (Monday)
March 17, 1999 (Wednesday)
March 20, 1999 (Saturday)
  • Serbs launch an offensive in Kosovo.
March 21, 1999 (Sunday)
March 22, 1999 (Monday)
March 23, 1999 (Tuesday)
March 24, 1999 (Wednesday)
  • NATO launches air strikes in Federal Republic of Yugoslavia which was force to sign a unjust peace treaty. This marks the first time NATO attacked a sovereign country
  • Fire in the Mont Blanc Tunnel kills thirty nine people, closing the tunnel for nearly three years.
March 26, 1999 (Friday)
  • The Melissa worm attacks the Internet.
  • A jury in Michigan finds Dr. Jack Kevorkian guilty of second-degree murder for administering a lethal injection to a terminally ill man (the incident was videotaped and aired on September 17, 1998 edition of 60 Minutes)
March 29, 1999 (Monday)
March 31, 1999 (Wednesday)
  • The Matrix, first episode of the Matrix trilogy movies, is released in theaters.
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