Manuel Ulloa Elías

Manuel Ulloa Elías (November 12, 1922 - August 9, 1992) was a Peruvian politician and economist. He was Prime Minister (1980-1982), Minister of Economy (1968; 1980-1982) and President of the Senate.

His father was the former Foreign minister Alberto Ulloa Sotomayor and his great-grandfather the president Domingo Elías.

Ulloa studied high school at Colegio de la Inmaculada. He later attended the University of San Marcos, where he studied Law.

He married Carmen García Elmore, daughter of a CEO of W. R. Grace and Company. Later he married a Belgian woman, Nadine van Perborgh, and in 1978 married Isabel Zorraquín, marquise of Mariño. Ulloa remarried in 1987 to Princess Elizabeth of Yugoslavia.