Manuel Abramowicz

Manuel Abramowicz (born 1967) is a far-left Belgian reporter, specialist of the far right.

He initially was a member of the youth wing of the Parti ouvrier socialiste (Socialist Workers Party), a trotskyist movement, currently known as the Revolutionary Communist League. Manuel Abramowicz was also associated with SOS Racisme-Belgium or the FGTB, a left-wing trade-union.

Since 1997 he is editor-in-chief of the ResistanceS on-line review, and also presides since 2002 the antifascist organization (asbl) RésistanceS - Centre d'études et de formation pour l’action démocratique. Abramowicz is a member of the "scientific council" of the non-academic Centre de recherche et d'études politiques.

Manuel Abramowicz has also co-realized some film documentaries, and is a founding member of the Mémoire & Politique organization. Abramowicz sieged at the head of the MRAX (Mouvement contre le racisme, l'antisémitisme et la xénophobie).

He is a frequent collaborator to several left-wing press organs or review: CeliuS (Franco-Belgian monthly on the far-right), Contradictions, Rue des Usines, Regards, Politique, Golias, Le journal des Juristes démocrates, Le Journal du Mardi, Espace de Liberté (monthly of the Centre d'action laïque), etc.


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