Manicaland Development Association

Manicaland Development Association [MDA] was a Zimbabwean NGO established to further the socio-economic development of that region of Zimbabwe, it ran a training centre at Bonda for skills development and transfer.

The programme of the Zimbabwean government in the period immediately after white minority rule included investment in new forms of rural development.


United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) Zimbabwe Humanitarian Situation in Zimbabwe Issue Number 21 Reporting Period 01 – 31 May 2007 Feature of the Month

Towards Negotiated Co-management of Natural Resources in Africa By Bernhard Venema, J. P. M. van den Breemer Contributor Bernhard Venema, J. P. M. van den Breemer Published by LIT Verlag Berlin-Hamburg-Münster, 1999 ISBN 3-8258-3948-6, 978-3-8258-3948-2

External links

ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT GRANTS : University of Iowa Centre for International Finance and Development