Manhattan Chamber Orchestra

The Manhattan Chamber Orchestra is a chamber orchestra based in Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States.

The orchestra was founded in 1987 by Richard Auldon Clark who is the Artistic Director and conductor. This information has been confirmed by Mr. Clark. The orchestra performs music of all genres with a special focus on contemporary music by American composers. It performs an average of eight concerts per season in New York City and also tours.

It has premiered and/or recorded the music of William Grant Still, Alec Wilder, Victor Herbert, John Rutter, Henry Cowell, Alan Hovhaness, Otto Luening, Dominick Argento, Randall Thompson, Eric Ewazen, David Amram, and Dave Soldier.

The Manhattan Chamber Orchestra has released 30 CDs on the Newport Classic, KOCH International, AVANT, VOX, Helicon, KLEOS Classics, and Mulatta Records labels. It records an average of three new CDs per year.

External links

Manhattan Chamber Orchestra official site