
Chemical structure of mangiferin
IUPAC name
4773-96-0 Yes
ChEMBL ChEMBL455364 
ChemSpider 4444966 
Jmol-3D images Image
KEGG C10077 
PubChem 5281647
Molecular formula
Molar mass 422.34 g·mol−1
Except where noted otherwise, data is given for materials in their standard state (at 25 °C (77 °F), 100 kPa)
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Mangiferin is a xanthonoid. This molecule is a glucoside of norathyriol.

Natural occurrences

It is found in mangoes,[1] in Iris unguicularis[2] and in Anemarrhena asphodeloides rhizomes.[3] It is also found in the genera Salacia and Cyclopia.

Among the group of Asplenium hybrids known as the "Appalachian Asplenium complex", mangiferin and isomangiferin are produced only by Asplenium montanum and its hybrid descendants. The distinctive gold-orange fluorescence of these compounds under ultraviolet light has been used to aid in the chromatographic identification of hybrid Aspleniums.[4]


Laboratory study has identified a variety of potential pharmacology associated with mangiferin including antimicrobial and antioxidant activities,[5] inhibitory effects on type II 5α-reductase in vitro,[6] and gastroprotective[7] and antidiabetic[3] effects in rodents.

See also


  1. Barreto J.C., Trevisan M.T.S., Hull W.E., Erben G., De Brito E.S., Pfundstein B., Würtele G., Spiegelhalder B., Owen R.W. (2008). "Characterization and quantitation of polyphenolic compounds in bark, kernel, leaves, and peel of mango (Mangifera indica L.)". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 56 (14): 5599–5610. doi:10.1021/jf800738r. PMID 18558692.
  2. Atta-Ur-Rahman, _; Hareem, Sumaira; Iqbal Choudhary, Muhammad; Sener, Bilge; Abbaskhan, Ahmed; Siddiqui, Hina; Anjum, Shazia; Orhan, Ilkay; Gurbuz, Ilhan; Ayanoglu, Filiz (2010). "New and Known Constituents from Iris unguicularis and Their Antoioxidant Activity". Heterocycles 82: 813. doi:10.3987/COM-10-S(E)6.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Miura, T.; Ichiki, H.; Hashimoto, I.; Iwamoto, N.; Kato, M.; Kubo, M.; Ishihara, E.; Komatsu, Y.; Okada, M.; Ishida, T.; Tanigawa, K. (2001). "Antidiabetic Activity of a Xanthone Compound, Mangiferin". Phytomedicine 8 (2): 85–87. doi:10.1078/0944-7113-00009. PMID 11315760.
  4. Smith, Dale M.; Harborne, Jeffrey B. (1971). "Xanthones in the Appalachian Asplenium complex". Phytochemistry 10 (9): 2117–2119. doi:10.1016/S0031-9422(00)97205-4.
  5. Stoilova, I.; Gargova, S.; Stoyanova, A.; Ho, L. (2005). "Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activity of the Polyphenol Mangiferin". Herba Polonica 51 (1/2): 37–44. ISSN 0018-0599.
  6. Wang, X.; Liao, J.; Yin, D.; Zhan, F.; Dai, S.; Xie, G.; Sang, X. (2010). "Establishment of a Novel Model for Studying the Effects of Extracts of Chinese Herb Medicine on Human Type II 5-alpha-Reductase in Vitro". Yakugaku Zasshi : Journal of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 130 (9): 1207–1214. PMID 20823678.
  7. Carvalho, A.; Guedes, M.; De Souza, A.; Trevisan, M.; Lima, A.; Santos, F. V.; Rao, V. (2007). "Gastroprotective Effect of Mangiferin, a Xanthonoid from Mangifera indica, against Gastric Injury Induced by Ethanol and Indomethacin in Rodents". Planta Medica 73 (13): 1372–1376. doi:10.1055/s-2007-990231. PMID 17918041.