
Makerwal is a village of Mianwali District in the Punjab province of Pakistan.

Makerwal is located in Isakhel Tehsil at 32°51'26.8N 71°11'21E. the language of town is Pashto, there are many sub branches in Makerwal like, (Darsal, Khatak, Doulat Khel, Chechar Khel Sanjar khel, Pahar Khel, Hindal Khel, Zangi khel etc). The Source of income is coal, transport and fisheries. They are good at their profession. Mine survey Institute of Makerwal is well known institute of Pakistan. Makerwal have different minerals such as Coal, Silica Sand and iron ore. It has very fertile land. The peoples of Makerwal are very hardworking. Makerwal and Sultan khel Surveyor are famous in the Pakistan and out of countries.