Major Ebden Memorial Cricket Tournament

Major Ebden Memorial Cricket Tournament is a major cricket competition in Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India. It was started in 1941 in honour of Major John A. W. Ebden, professor of Surgery and the Principal of Andhra Medical College. This tournament was a forerunner of the cricket activity in this region.

The tournament was regularly held during the October - December season at the Andhra Medical College grounds and the Andhra University grounds. Teams from the far off towns used to compete each other to win the big attractive all-silver Trophy. Maharajah College, Vizianagaram, Mrs.A.V.N.College and Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, Government P.R.College, Kakinada, Arts College, Rajahmundry, Law College, Patchiappa College and Medical College, Madras along the host Andhra Medical College teams used to compete regularly.

The tournament was started after some gap in 2006.[1]

Major John A.W.Ebden

Major Dr. John A. W. Ebden M.D., M.S., F.R.C.S was the second principal of Vizagapatam Medical College (the present Andhra Medical College). He was not only a highly qualified physician and surgeon, but also the chief architect of the college in its formative years. He was a keen sportsman and enthused the medical students and faculty members to play games especially tennis and cricket.

His sudden demise in Delhi left the students and faculty of the medical college grief stuck and they spontaneously responded and decided to commemorate Dr. Ebden by conducting cricket tournament annually at the college playground inviting teams from many colleges in Andhra region and Madras state.
