Mahmoud K. Muftić

Mahmoud Kamal Muftić
Born Ca. 1925–1926
Died Ca. 1975
Residence Bosnia
West Germany
Ethnicity Bosniak
Citizenship Yugoslavia
Occupation Physician and scholar
Religion Islam

Mahmoud Kamal Muftić (born 1925 or 1926 in Sarajevo, died ca. 1975 in London; also spelled Mahmud or Mahmut and Kemal) was a Bosniak medical doctor, scientist and scholar, whose research and writings focused on a wide range of topics including bacteriology and hypnosis, as well as political and religious issues. He had close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Career and scholarship

He held an MD and a PhD. From the late 1940s to the early 1960s, he worked in Cairo and Gaza City in (then) Egypt and at the Royal Hospital in Basra, at the Middle Euphrat Hospital in Kufa, and at King Faisal Hospital in Nasiriyah in Iraq. He then became a researcher at the Tuberculosis Research Institute (currently the Research Center Borstel) in Schleswig-Holstein, West Germany, a researcher at the Biochemical Laboratory at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland, and a researcher in bacteriology at Schering AG in West Berlin, where he eventually became director of the Department of Bacteriology,[1] before he moved to Geneva in the late 1960s, and then to Dublin.

He has published around 40 papers in medical journals. His major research interests were bacteriology, including tuberculosis, and hypnosis. He was also a co-inventor of several patents held by Schering. He also wrote articles on political issues including Balkan politics and the Middle East conflict, such as Israel's development of a biological warfare program, and on Islamic theology and religious matters. He was also interested in esoterical and parapsychological topics and published a book on aura phenomena, based on research he carried out in the 1950s on the human energy field with a device utilizing a semiconductor and an electroluminescent panel called an optron.[2]

He was a Fellow of the American Institute of Hypnosis, an institution founded by William Joseph Bryan, whose work notably found use in psychological warfare during the Cold War.

Religious and political activity

In the postwar era, he was involved in CIA-sponsored anti-communist and pan-Islamic circles, as a close associate of Said Ramadan of the Muslim Brotherhood and as Grand Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini's "man in Germany" and a supporter of the Palestinian cause.[3] He was also active in Croatian émigré politics from 1960 when he was elected to the executive of the largest Croatian émigré organisation, the Croatian National Resistance, and due to his connections in the Muslim world, he became their foremost campaigner in relation to the Arab world.[4] He was the Yugoslav delegate to the World Muslim Congress in 1962.[5]


He was assassinated in London ca. 1975, when he was found poisoned in a hotel, allegedly because of his contact with a Mossad agent.


  • Mahmoud K. Muftic: Researches on the Aura Phenomena, Metaphysical Research Group, 1960, second ed. 1970, Hastings, Society of Metaphysicians, ISBN 0-900684-14-3
Medical articles
  • Muftic MK (1951). [Radical tonsillectomy with diathermocoagulation of the tonsillar arteries]. Les Annales D'oto-laryngologie, 68(8–9):716–721.
  • Muftic MK (1955). Demonstration of fat peroxides in Mycobacteria tuberculosis treated by cerase. Enzymologia. 15;17(4):222-4.
  • Muftic MK, and Loutfi SD (1955). A Case of Large Diverticulum of the Eustachian Tube. Br Med J. Apr 23, 1955; 1(4920): 1010.
  • Muftic MK (1956). Cerase : A wax-decomposing enzyme in experimental tuberculosis. British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest, Volume 50, Issue 4, pp. 356–358.
  • Atia, IM and Muftic, MK (1957). Hypnosis in the psychosomatic investigation of female homosexuality. Brit. J. Med. Hypnot. pp. 41–46.
  • Muftic MK (1957). Mutation of mycobacteria to proactinomyces by radioactive cobalt. Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata, Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 121–126.
  • Muftic MK (1957). Isolation properties of the cerase. Enzymologia. 1957 Jan 30;18(1):9–13
  • Muftic MK (1957). Relation between iron content and peroxidase activity of cerase. Enzymologia 18(1):18-21
  • Muftic MK (1957). Mechanism of cerase action. Enzymologia. 30;18(1):14–7
  • Muftic MK (1958). A psychokinetic theory of hypnotism. Brit. J. Med. Hypnot. 10: 11–23.
  • Muftic MK (1958). Mycostatin in Treatment of Otomycoses. Mycoses Volume 1, Issue 5, pp. 156–161.
  • Muftic MK (1958). Prevention of Hemorrhages in E. N. T. Surgery by Interstitial Application of Thromboplastin. AMA Arch Otolaryngol. 67(5):542–545. doi:10.1001/archotol.1958.00730010556007.
  • Muftic MK (1958). Eustachian tube biopsy cannula. The Laryngoscope Volume 68, Issue 2, pp. 131–132.
  • Muftic MK (1958). Advances in the pharmacological study of cerase—A new anti-tuberculous agent. British Journal of Tuberculosis and Diseases of the Chest, Volume 52, Issue 4, pp. 308–312. DOI: 10.1016/S0366-0869(58)80007-6.
  • Muftic MK (1959). Investigation of resistance of mycobacteria to decolorization. Tubercle Volume 40, Issue 1, pp. 50–53
  • Muftic MK (1959). Advances in Pathogenesis and Treatment of Otosclerosis. Acta Otolaryngol. 50(1):3–12.
  • Muftic MK (1960). Genus Blastomycoides As A Mykological Entity. Mycoses Volume 3, Issue 1, pp. 16–25
  • Muftic MK (1960). The genus Blastomycoides as a mycological entity. Mycopathologia et mycologia applicata, Volume 12, Issue 4, pp. 265–277
  • Muftic MK (1960). Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media By Chloromycetin and Streptomycin. Journal of Laryngology & Otology, Vol. 74, Issue 02, pp. 100–105
  • Muftic MK (1961). Studies on cell-wall chemistry of Mycobacteria. Japanese Journal of Tuberculosis 9:11–7.
  • Muftic MK (1962). Isolation and purification of the penicillinase from mycobacteria. Experientia, Volume 18, Issue 1, pp 17–18
  • Muftic MK (1962). Middlebrook-Dubos neutral red test in Mycobacterium tuberculosis treated by cerase. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 16:230–236.
  • Muftic MK (1963). Polypeptidyl Tuberculins. Pathologia et Microbiologia 26:494–503. DOI:10.1159/000161403.
  • Muftic MK (1963). The mechanism of mycobacterial pathogenicity. British Journal of Diseases of the Chest, Volume 57, Issue 1, January 1963, pp. 22–29. DOI: 10.1016/S0007-0971(63)80004-2.
  • Muftic MK (1963). Die Klassifizierung der verschiedenen Arten der Gattung Candida mit der „Amid-Reihe“ nach Bönicke. Hefepilze als Krankheitserreger bei Mensch und Tier 1963, pp 9–11
  • Muftic MK (1963). Study of Amide Metabolism in Candida. Pathologia et Microbiologia 1963;26:250–253. DOI:10.1159/000161371
  • Muftic MK (1964). A New Phenol–Hypochlorite Reaction for Ammonia. Nature 201:622–623
  • Muftic MK (1964). N-acetyl-naphthylamine esterase activity as a virulence test in Mycobacteria. Zentralbl Bakt Prasitenk Infektionskrankh Hyg: 353–357.
  • Muftic MK, and Roch-Ramel F (1964). Pharmacological study of a peptide obtained during a tuberculin skin reaction. Arzneimittelforschung. 14:1012–4.
  • Muftic MK, and Tuncman SZ (1964). Quantitative analysis of neutral red test in mycobacteria. British Journal of Diseases of the Chest, Volume 58, Issue 2, pp. 85–89. DOI: 10.1016/S0007-0971(64)80037-1.
  • Muftic MK (1969). Characteristic changes in mycobacterium tuberculosis induced by some tensides (surface-active agents). Tubercle, Volume 50, Issue 3, pp. 305–312. DOI: 10.1016/0041-3879(69)90056-7.
  • Muftic MK, and Atia IM (1969). A new induction method: electrohypnosis. Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry & Medicine 1969;16(2):40-6.
  • Muftic MK (1971). Influence of subcutaneous application of trans-3-methyl-2-hexanoic acid on induction of hypnosis. Journal of the American Institute of Hypnosis. 12(3):118–119, 140.
  • Muftic MK (1971). Are the catecholamines precursors of the catatonine? Journal of the American Institute of Hypnosis, 12(1):29–32.


  1. The Islamic Review & Arab Affairs, January 1968, p. 2
  2. Conference Proceedings, IEEE, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Electrical Research Association, 1978, p. 21
  3. Ian Johnson, A Mosque in Munich, p. 163, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2010, ISBN 0547488688
  4. Bošnjačka ideja, p. 104
  5. "Intellektuelle und Gelehrte im Kalten Krieg," in Reinhard Schulze, Islamischer Internationalismus im 20. Jahrhundert, p. 164, BRILL, 1990, ISBN 9004082867