Magnetic effective resistance

Magnetic circuits

Conventional magnetic circuits

Phasor magnetic circuits

Related concepts

Gyrator-capacitor model variables

Magnetic effective resistance (SI Unit: -Ω−1) is the real component of complex magnetic impedance of a circuit in the gyrator-capacitor model. This causes a magnetic circuit to lose magnetic potential energy.[1][2][3]

Active power in a magnetic circuit equals the product of magnetic effective resistance r_M and magnetic current squared I_{M}^2.

P = r_M I_{M}^2

The magnetic effective resistance on a complex plane appears as the side of the resistance triangle for magnetic circuit of an alternating current. The effective magnetic resistance is bounding with the effective magnetic conductance g_M by the expression

g_M = \frac{r_M}{z_{M}^2}

where z_M is the full magnetic impedance of a magnetic circuit.


  1. Pohl R. W. ELEKTRIZITÄTSLEHRE. – Berlin-Gottingen-Heidelberg: SPRINGER-VERLAG, 1960.
  2. Popov V. P. The Principles of Theory of Circuits. – M.: Higher School, 1985, 496 p. (In Russian).
  3. Küpfmüller K. Einführung in die theoretische Elektrotechnik, Springer-Verlag, 1959.