Magic Link

Magic Link
The Sony magic Link
Manufacturer Sony
Type PDA
Retail availability 1994-
Operating system Magic Cap
CPU MC68349 16 MHz Motorola Dragon
Memory 4MB Random Access Memory and PC Card
Display LCD 480 x 320 pixel
Input Touchscreen (stylus-based)
Camera None
Connectivity 2400 bit/s modem
Power 6 AAA alkaline batteries or AC power

The Magic Link was a personal communicator and PDA marketed by Sony from 1994,[1] based on the General Magic's Magic Cap operating system. The "Link" part of the name refers to the device's ability to send and receive data over a modem.[2]

A competing product to the Magic Link was the Motorola Envoy. In 1995, the Magic Link won the PC World World Class Award.[3]

