
Madhosinghana is a village in Sirsa District, Haryana, India. The population of the village is more than 11000. It is situated on the state highway 23 from Sirsa to Mallekan to Ellenabad. It is around 15 km away from Sirsa. This village is one of the most developed villages of Sirsa district. This village has a 132 MW power house, providing almost round-the-clock power.


In March 1938, Ch. Sahab Ram, the elder brother of Tau Devi Lal fought a by-election for Member of the Legislative Assembly on the Congress party ticket against Mr. Nand Lal Bhambhu (better known as Jaildaar or Rai Sahib) of village Madhosinghana. At that time, Bhambhu owned around 8000 bighas of land. Ram won this election, which set the stage for political future of Tau Devi Lal.

Gurudwara, Temple and Masjid

Madhosinghana has a grand Gurudwara. It is told that once Guru Gobind Singh Ji stopped here to drench his thirst while fighting with the enemy. The village has a large Temple of God Shiv named as Shivalya in the middle of village and on the bank of Pond. This is very old temple and much popular among nearby villages. The village has a masjid as well. At time of partition, people of Madhosinghana gave shelter to the Muslim families in their houses. The religious harmony in the village is such that Hindus of the village give donations for Gurudwara and Masjid and Muslims of the village give donations for Gaushala.


This village is having all facilities like School, Hospital, Stadium, Bank, Power, Water and Connectivity with Nearby Villages.


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