Madame Joseph

The cover of the second edition of Madame Joseph Revisited by Brian Cartwright showing forged cancels on genuine Falkland Islands stamps of 1933.

Madame Joseph (c.1900 - after late 1940s)[1] was a stamp dealer active in London in the early part of the twentieth century and who has since been revealed to be a major supplier of stamps with forged cancels. In conjunction with her successors, over 400 fake cancels were used dated up to 1967.

Forgery business

Known as Madame Joseph because she went by the surname Joseph and was possibly French or Belgian[1] (her first name is unknown), Joseph, her accomplices and successors used fake handstamps to turn common unused stamps into more valuable used ones. Some fake cachets, cork cancels, surcharges and overprints were also used. Over 400 fake cancels were used, mainly for British Commonwealth stamps and it is believed that there are probably additional fake cancels that have yet to be discovered. The wooden cancels are thought to have been made in France while the zincograph and copper plated implements may have been created originally for use as book or catalogue illustrations.[1][2]

According to Brian Cartwright there was also a Monsieur Joseph,[1] however, even less is known about him than his wife and as Madame Joseph was normally responsible for serving customers, the business and fakes have come to be attributed to her. The exact extent of Monsieur Joseph's involvement in the business has yet to be determined and may be more extensive than previously thought.

The trade was very profitable with the changed stamps being sold to dealers for resale to their customers. It has been said that the fake cancels were also hired out to unscrupulous dealers for them to manufacture their own fine used stamps, however, that has been disputed by the postal historian Ted Proud.[3] According to Proud, Madame Joseph had premises in Irving Street, just off Charing Cross Road.[4]

The exact dates when the business was carried on are unknown, however, the first use of the cancels appears to be between the first and second World Wars, and the most recent date on any fake cancel is 1967.[5] Three sheets of paper containing 120 different impressions have been found in the Stanley Gibbons reference collection and they appear to have previously been folded so as to possibly make a booklet of samples.[1] The latest date of any of these cancels is 28 August 1915 for Tarquah, Gold Coast, so the samples were certainly made up some time after then.[1]


Forged cancels of the British Solomon Islands prepared by Madame Joseph.

Eventually the business devolved to Gordon Rhodes, who traded from 17A Lime Street, London, and whose shop is recorded in Kelly's Directory from 1935 to 1960. His employee, Cecil Jones, took over the shop after Rhodes died. Jones reportedly used it as a cash-cow to fund his gambling habit. In 1960 the shop changed name to the South London Stamp Company and it is believed that the production of forgeries ended in the 1960s.[6]

Similar businesses

In a letter to The London Philatelist, Ted Proud has referred to two other dealers, known only as Dealer A and Dealer B who carried out similar activities and used to co-operate. Proud has written that Dealer A had a stock of printers blocks of cancels used to illustrate magazine articles and books who would also cancel unused stamps. He has also written that Dealer B, with whom Madame Joseph unsuccessfully tried to start a stamp "repairing" factory, also had a stock of bogus datestamps that he said was larger than Madame Joseph's. He is also said to have had a perforating machine which was made by his brother who was a Swiss industrialist. Proud has commented that to say that Madame Joseph's operations were shrouded in secrecy would be an exaggeration and that her business was well known in the stamp trade at the time as one of selling "repaired" stamps with a cancellation service as an extra feature.[3]

Recent developments

In the early 1990s, the retired stamp dealer Derek Worboys purchased the Joseph instruments and paraphernalia from Clive Santo in order to prevent their further use. The items were in the estate of Clive's late father George who died in 1990. Today the Madame Joseph items reside in the museum of The Royal Philatelic Society London.

See also

List of stamp forgers


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 "Madame Joseph - The Origin?" by Brian Cartwright in The London Philatelist, No.1344, Vol.116, April 2007, pp.102-104. Year of birth approximate.
  2. "Madame Joseph Revisited" by Brian Cartwright in The London Philatelist, Vol.114, November 2005, p.343.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "Letters to the Editor" in The London Philatelist, Vol.114, September 2005, p.269.
  4. Cartwright, Brian M. Madame Joseph Revisited, Royal Philatelic Society London, 2005, p.11.
  5. Cartwright, p.13.
  6. Cartwright, p.16. (Extract from 1994 book)

Further reading

External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Madame Joseph.