Macedonian onomastics

The Macedonian onomastics (Macedonian: Македонска ономастика, makedonska onomastika) is part of the Macedonistics that studies the names, surnames and nicknames of the Macedonian language. This is relatively new linguistic discipline. In Macedonia, and in the Macedonistics in general, it developed during the 19th century, where the first few research results have been provided. The Onomastics for a long period of time has been considered as part of various scientific disciplines, such as geography, history or ethnography, until it became a discipline on its own in the 20th century. The Macedonian Onomastics, generally speaking, is divided into toponomastics and anthroponomastics.[1]


The onomastics is divided into two large categories, which in turn include several different subcategories or disciplines. The two basic categories of the Macedonian onomastics are:[2]


The toponomastics is a branch of the onomastics that studies the toponymies, or in other words the names of the places, geographical terms, their meaning and origin. Depending on the nature of the toponymy, it can be divided into the following subcategories:[1]

The toponomastics for its researches uses the toponomastic stratigraphy. The research of the toponymies is done via analysis of the different names of one particular item. The names are direct consequence of the different people, languages and cultures that existed on that particular area. The main principle that is taken intro account is the fact that even though the languages and people that lived in that area disappeared (via migration or assimilation), the names of the places, their meanings and origin remain. Those names later on will be acquired by the new people that came to that area and they will become part of their active lexicon.[2]


The anthroponomastics is the second large discipline of the Onomastics. The Anthroponomastics studies the meaning and origin of the personal names. Moreover, it deals with:[2]


The most common suffixes used for surnames and the most common (top 6) surnames by statistical region are as follows:[3]



  1. 1.0 1.1 Бојковска, Стојка; Минова-Ѓуркова, Лилјана; Пандев, Димитар; Цветковски, Живко (December 2008). Саветка Димитрова, ed. Општа граматика на македонскиот јазик (in Macedonian). Скопје: АД Просветно Дело. OCLC 888018507.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Стојка Бојковска, Димитар Пандев, Лилјана Минова - Ѓуркова, Живко Цветковски (2001). Македонски јазик за средно образование (in Macedonian). Скопје: Просветно Дело АД. pp. 254–256.

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