Mabula Game Reserve

Mabula Game Reserve

Buffalo in Mabula Game Reserve
Map showing the location of Mabula Game Reserve

Position of Mabula in South Africa

Location Limpopo, South Africa
Nearest city Bela Bela
Coordinates 24°44′00″S 27°55′37″E / 24.73333°S 27.92694°ECoordinates: 24°44′00″S 27°55′37″E / 24.73333°S 27.92694°E
Area 12 000 ha
Governing body Mabula Game Reserve

Mabula Game Reserve is a private game reserve situated in the Limpopo province of South Africa. It is about 12,000 hectares (30,000 acres) in area and is about 47 km from Bela Bela (Warmbaths).


The list of species found in the reserve includes sixty mammals, three hundred birds, one hundred plants and numerous reptiles and insects.[1]

Wildlife includes the big five: lion, leopard, buffalo, African elephant and rhinoceros, but also the small five: ant lion, leopard tortoise, buffalo weaver, elephant shrew and rhino beetle.[2][1]

Apart from these, the following mammals can be seen here: hedgehog, lesser bushbaby, vervet monkey, chacma baboon, pangolin, scrub hare, tree squirrel, spring hare, greater cane rat, porcupine, bat-eared fox, black-backed jackal, striped polecat, honey badger, Cape clawless otter, African civet, large spotted genet, small spotted genet, yellow mongoose, marsh mongoose, slender mongoose, white-tailed mongoose, banded mongoose, aardwolf, spotted hyena, brown hyena, cheetah, caracal, serval, African wildcat, black-footed cat, aardvark, rock hyrax, Burchell's zebra, bushpig, common warthog, hippo, giraffe, klipspringer, common duiker, steenbok, blesbok, reedbuck, mountain reedbuck, impala, springbok, blue wildebeest, black wildebeest, tsessebe, red hartebeest, gemsbok, waterbuck, bushbuck, nyala, kudu and eland.


See also


External links

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Mabula Game Reserve.