M.M.D.C. is the acronym by which became known the paulista uprising in Brazil. It is formed by the initials of the names of the four students, Martins, Miragaia, Dráusio and Camargo, killed by federal troops in a clash on May 23, 1932 at the Praça da República, in São Paulo. This event triggered the 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution.
In 1932, Brazil experienced a period in which the Vargas regime was governed without a constitution that formally delineate the powers of the president or that made clear the differences between the three powers. Also, there was the National Congress, the legislature and municipal councils . Contrary to this, the Paulistas began to move against the Vargas dictatorship, and students prepared a series of demonstrations against Vargas, who broke out across the capital, in a climate of growing revolt, on 23 May of that year. A group tried to invade the Revolutionary League, a cell of the Revolution of 1930, the organization favorable to the regime of Getúlio Vargas located near the Republic Square .
The pro-government League resisted with weapons and four attackers dead ended: Mario M artins de Almeida, Euclides M iragaia, D ráusio Marcondes de Sousa and Antonio C Andrade bitter. Three died during the confrontation. The fourth died some time later, because of injuries. A fifth injured student Orlando Alvarenga de Oliveira, died there three months and, therefore, did not have his name associated with the movement. The initial artins M, M iragaia, C and D ráusio bitter formed the acronym MMDC, which represented a civil clandestine, among other activities, offered military training to the guerrillas Paulo. Followed the episode of Republic Square an intense campaign of voluntary enlistment, July 9, at various positions through the state, culminating in the 1932 Constitutionalist Revolution Currently, the initial MMDC is the name of a street in Butantã, street side Miragaia, Martins Street, street and street Dráuzio Camargo (there is also a street Alvarenga), and baptized a college located in Cuiaba Rua, 667, in São Paulo neighborhood of Mooca. MMDCA [ edit ]
Some historians use the acronym MMDCA in honor of Orlando de Oliveira Alvarenga, wounded along with his colleagues Martins, Miragaia, Drausio and Camargo, but he died in August 1932 because of injuries. To honor him, the state government created the "Cross Necklace Alvarenga and Heroes Anonymous" 1 . On January 13 of 2004, was enacted State Law 11.658 2, styling May 23 as "MMDCA Heroes Day" in honor of Orlando de Oliveira Alvarenga, also shot on May 23 and died on 12 August 1932. Toponymy [ edit ]
The toponymy of the city of São Paulo honors all the names and dates of the Revolution: the streets Martins, Miragaia, Drausio, Camargo, Alvarenga and MMDC intersect in the neighborhood of Butantã where these nearby streets exist in a discrete square, Waldemar Ortiz monument. Two arterial roads of the city honor the most important dates of the event: May 23 and July 9, beginning at Flag Square in the city center of São Paulo, São Paulo and also there is a school in the neighborhood of Mooca making a tribute in his name and has the initials of the four "heroes". In other cities of the state, there are streets honoring Martins, Miragaia, Drausio, Camargo in the cities of Campinas, Cotia, Franca, Itaquaquecetuba, Leme, Lorena, Piracicaba, São Bernardo do Campo, Pauliceia precisely in the neighborhood where is located an obelisk with the initial MMDC, São José dos Campos, São José do Rio Preto, Sorocaba and Votorantim, and plazas in the cities of Bauru, Jundiaí, Lorraine and São Carlos. In the city of São Vicente is still the square "32 Heroes", where a monument was erected and inscriptions on the fact. This square is located on the beachfront of Gonzaguinha between boulevard Antonio Rodrigues and João Ramalho street, near number 578. MMDCA [ edit ]
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