5 million year history, representing the Lisiecki and Raymo (2005) LR04 Benthic Stack

Marine Isotope Stage 13 or MIS 13 is a Marine isotope stage in the geologic temperature record, in Britain covering the Cromerian interglacial period between ~524,000 and 474,000 years ago. It is split into three substages, MIS 13a MIS 13b, and MIS 13c. Some records indicate that MIS 13a was an unstable warm peak with a cold split in the middle at MIS 13.12 - separating warm MIS 13.11 and 13.13[1]



High Lodge, Suffolk

Waverley Wood, Warwickshire

Happisburgh 1, Norfolk

Boxgrove, West Sussex



Early domination of birch, pine, and spruce. Mixed-oak forests follow (predominantly Alder, Oak, Hornbeam, and Hazel).



Binomial Common name Direction
Erinaceus sp. Hedgehog ?
Sorex minutus Pygmy shrew ?
Sorex runtonensis † ?
Sorex savini † ?
Neomys sp. Water shrew ?
Talpa europaea Common mole ?
Talpa minor † Pygmy mole ?
Homo sp. Hominid ?
Lepus timidus Mountain hare ?
Oryctolagus cuniculus Common European rabbit ?
Plecotus auritus Long-eared bat ?
Myotis mystacinus Whiskered bat ?
Myotis bechsteini Bechstein's bat ?
Scuirus sp. Squirrel ?
Canis lupus Wolf ?
Ursus deningeri † Bear ?



  1. Bassinot, Franck C.; Labeyrie, Laurent D.; Vincent, Edith; Quidelleur, Xavier; Shackleton, Nicholas J.; Lancelot, Yves (1994). "The astronomical theory of climate and the age of the Brunhes-Matuyama magnetic reversal". Earth and Planetary Science Letters 1 (126): 103.
  2. Pettitt, Paul; White, Mark (2012). The British Palaeolithic. Routledge. p. 65. ISBN 978-0-415-67455-3.