MIB School of Management Trieste

MIB is an international School of Business and Management located in Trieste.

The school

Ferdinandeo's Palace, MIB

The school was founded in 1988; it offers full-time and part-time International Masters and MBAs, masters and Executive Programmes for managers and entrepreneurs, and customised courses for businesses and public administration bodies.

The Academic Programmes

The 2013 educational offer includes the following courses:

The Accreditations

The International Accreditations provide a reliable list of programs carefully tested and ensure that the investments of the students are rewarded with the best managerial training available.
The School's programmes are accredited by:

MIB Campus

MIB is located in the famous Ferdinandeo's Palace, on the top of the "Chiadino" hill. The building was built in 1858 by the architect Federico Hitzig in honor of the emperor Ferdinando I d’Asburgo, who donated it in 1844 to the city of Trieste the nearby grove named bosco del Farneto, nowadays one of the city parks commonly named Boschetto.
The growing number of programmes offered by the School necessitated an enlargement of our historical location at Palazzo Ferdinandeo. A new Pavilion was built in 2010 next to the 19th century building, offering two more classrooms (with 50 and 60 seats) and a large multi-purpose Hall.

The Scholarships

Thanks also to the contribution of sponsor companies, who are seeking to hire young, high-potential candidates, MIB awards many scholarships in the form of partial exemption from tuition fees for Masters and MBAs The Scholarships cover up to 70% of the Masters' tuition fees.

External links