Més per Mallorca

Més per Mallorca
Leader Biel Barceló
Fina Santiago
Slogan Recuperem el Futur ()
Founded 2010
Membership PSM-Entesa
Ideology Progressivism
Catalan nationalism
Members of the Parliament of the Balearic Islands
4 / 59
Seats at the Council of Mallorca
4 / 33

Més per Mallorca (English: More for Majorca) is a Majorcan political coalition formed by PSM-ENTESA, IniciativaVerds, Esquerra Republicana, small independent, local parties and independents around the island. It was created in the summer of 2010 under the name PSM-Iniciativa-Verds, but with the merger of Iniciativa d'Esquerres and Els Verds, and the incorporation of Entesa per Mallorca into the coalition it was renamed PSM-IniciativaVerds-Entesa in early 2011. In mid-2013, the current name was adopted.


Més per Mallorca was created as an electoral coalition in an effort to unite the ecologist and left majorcan nationalist political organisations under a common platform after the dissolution of the Bloc per Mallorca. In summer 2010 an electoral coalition between PSM-EN, Iniciativa d'Esquerres, and Els Verds was established to run the 2011 autonomous and local election. In November 2010 Iniciativa d'Esquerres and Els Verds merged and became IniciativaVerds, and in early 2011 Entesa per Mallorca joined the coalition.

At the 2011 local and autonomous election the coalition received 36,149 votes, which translated in four seats at the Parliament of the Balearic Islands, four seats at the Council of Majorca, and three seats at the Palma city hall.

On 2 February 2013, the members of the coalition's three member parties gathered in an open assembly and decided to take the coalition a step further and adopted a "call document" as well as the name Més per Mallorca. On 26 October 2013 coalition members participated in another assembly where a set of Operating Rules were adopted and an executive commission was elected, with Biel Barceló as general coordinator and co-spokesperson and Fina Santiago as co-spokesperson.