Luis Razetti

Luis Razetti

Doctor Luis Razetti
Born September 10, 1862
 Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela
Died May 14, 1932 (69)
 Venezuela Caracas, Venezuela
Residence Venezuela
Citizenship  Venezuela Venezuelan
Fields Medicina
Known for Being one of the most important medical history of Venezuela and propel the medicine in the country.

Luis Razetti (Caracas, Venezuela, September 10, 1862 - May 14, 1932) It was a surgeon, who supported and managed a number of advances in the progress of Venezuelan medicine. He graduated of Doctor in Medicine at the Central University of Venezuela, is the driving called "Renaissance of the Venezuelan medicine", in education, research centers and medical practices in Venezuela. One of the two schools of Medicine of the Central University of Venezuela bears his name.[1][2][3]


Luis Razetti born in Caracas, Venezuela, in September 10, 1862. He was baptized in the cathedral church with the name of Luis María Francisco Nicolás de Jesús, the son of Don Luigi Razetti, a merchant of Genoa, Italy and Doña Emeteria Martinez Sanz, who was the granddaughter of Lic. Miguel José Sanz, tutor of the Liberator Simón Bolívar. Besides Luis, who was the eldest son, marriage Razetti-Martinez Sanz had two sons, Enrique and Ricardo. Luis brothers were engineers, with Henry died very young in 1892 and Ricardo lived until 1932. Being very young, the father of Luis Razetti travels to Italy to never return to Venezuela, so that Doña Emeteria is responsible for the care and education of their children. It is said that once, Luis Razetti wrote All I am I owe to her.

He studied primary in Niño Jesús School and then completed his baccalaureate in the Central University of Venezuela, where he obtained the degree of Bachelor of Philosophy (July 13, 1878). Immediately begins, at the same university, studies in Medicine obtaining the title of Doctor in Medicine and Surgery (August 4, 1884), to a month to turn 22 years old. So, a few days later traveled to the countryside, where he played his first professional years, particularly in the states Lara, Zulia and the Andes, back to Caracas after 5 years (1884 / 1889).

In 1890 he moved to Paris where he made his postgraduate studies (1890 / 1893), specializing in surgery and Obstetrics. The influence of the French school, dominant then, made a deep and lasting impression on his mind, although he continued to draw on other sources, which is evident in his admiration for Santiago Ramón y Cajal, Charles Darwin and Ernst Haeckel. He returned to Caracas in December 1892 to continue their professional practice, which served in his hometown, Caracas, until his death. In 1897 marries Miss Luisa Amelia Díaz Guardia, however, Luis Razetti had no children.

Luis Razetti instrumental to progress in the field of Venezuelan medicine of his day, make important contributions, systematic and organized, so many of his followers and disciples of that time as well as contemporary physicians, attributed to be the driving force renaissance of the Venezuelan medicine. Luis Razetti was characterized as a multifaceted professional. Among his most notable contributions may mention, in chronological order as follows:

As a surgeon shares with Dr. Pablo Acosta Ortiz glory of being one of the founders of modern surgery in Venezuela. The hospital Vargas was the scene par excellence of surgical performance, backed by its condition head teacher of the chair of Clinical Surgery. In its statistical extensive operative, highlights several surgical procedures performed for the first time in the country. Razetti was also introducer a multitude of techniques and use of surgical instruments. Among the surgical literature stand his book Lessons and clinic notes and his work about appendicitis, typhus intestinal perforations, eclampsia puerperal and operation Cesarean. He was the founder, in 1911, the first private clinic which was established in Caracas for the care of the sick and execution of transactions High surgery. Her brother, Ricardo Razetti was the design engineer and builder of the clinic, which is known to this day as "Policlina Luis Razetti".

As a teacher, he devoted himself to teaching for more than half his life; providing over sixteen, the chair of Anatomy and from 1914 until his death, Professor of Clinical Surgery. He also lectured for Pathology External and Operative Medicine and Obstetrics. In reaching their educational work and the outstanding number of disciples who came to form, he founded his own school in the Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Central de Venezuela. In 1908, served as rector of the Central University of Venezuela (was vice rector in 1901) and 1909, served as Senator by the state Zulia. As medical social function, was a hygienist autodidact and at a time, which did not exist the Ministry of Health and Welfare, conducted campaigns against alcoholism, the tuberculosis, the prostitution, the Sexually transmitted disease, the infant mortality and cancer.

Following the death of the beloved son of General Juan Vicente Gómez, Ali Gomez, one of the first victims of the pandemic Spanish flu in 1918 Socorro Board chaired the Federal District was created by the Dr. Razetti. This board conducted a census of places where the epidemic was older, he realized that poverty and lack of hygiene, besides malnutrition, contributing to the spread of the disease. Hospitals in family homes or public places and in the corner of Castan, or corner of Maturin, which served as the Masonic lodge were established. Public gatherings and parties and gatherings were banned, including children stopped going to school and no masses were officiated in the churches. The bodies were counted by hundreds, the Southern General Cemetery were sent to build numerous individual graves and a large common grave for those victims of the epidemic. Today that place is called "La Peste". Hospitals became morgues, especially the Vargas Hospital of Caracas. Since early 1919, thanks to sanitary measures imposed by Razetti, self-limited flu and was reducing its virulence. This tragic episode demonstrated that Venezuela was not prepared for an epidemic of this magnitude and that malnutrition and poverty are factors that contribute to the spread of the disease.

In 1924, the complaint made excessive infant mortality cost him nearly a year exile in Curaçao. Moreover, as biologist, Luis Razetti disclosing essentially performed task, since, together with Vicente Marcano, David Lobo, Elías Toro and Guillermo Delgado Palacios, was part of the first waves of biological positivism in Venezuela. In 1904, held an intense debate about the legitimacy of the doctrine of descent, which sparked backlash from some members of the scientific community and especially Dr. José Gregorio Hernández. The Doctrine of Descent and What is Life? Are books of his own, written as a result of this controversy. Perhaps it was, in that sense, the most controversial and edgy Venezuelan doctors. His name is also synonymous with the Code of Medical Ethic, published in 1928, continental impact. The Cancer Institute of Caracas was named after him in his honor. His publications, including the temperance crusade Manual and Modern, testify to its pioneering role.

Together with Dr. José María Vargas and Dr. José Gregorio Hernández (who is also best remembered for his great religious vocation), Dr. Luis Razetti stands out among the most important values Venezuelan medicine. His remains rest in the National Pantheon of Venezuela, in Caracas, from the June 23, 1982.


  1. Alegría,Ceferino. Figuras médicas venezolanas. Ediciones Pulmobronk. Caracas.64p.
  2. Rodríguez C. Manuel. (Eds.) 1997: Diccionario digital de Historia de Venezuela.Edición, Fundación Polar, S.A. Caracas.
  3. Hernández Caballero, Serafín (Editor). 1998: Gran Enciclopedia de Venezuela. Editorial Globe, C.A. Caracas. 10 volúmenes. ISBN 980-6427-00-9 ISBN 980-6427-10-6