Luis José Sartorius, 1st Count of San Luis

The Count of San Luis, wearing the Grand Cross of the Order of Charles III.

Don Luis José Sartorius y Tapia, 1st Count of San Luis (Seville, Spain, 1820 Madrid, Spain, 22 February 1871) was a Spanish noble, politician and journalist who served as Prime Minister of Spain from 1853 to 1854, during the reign of Queen Isabella II.

Sartorius, a man of very traditional convictions, was the leader of a faction of the Moderate Party which, because of his Polish origin, was known as los polacos ("the Poles"). His newspaper, El Herlado, became one of the mainstays of the moderates during the regency of the Progressivist Baldomero Espartero. During the Moderate decade (1844-1854), Sartorius held several political offices, such as Ministro de Gobernation, and became Prime Minister in 1853.


Sartorius was married to María de los Remedios Chacón y Romero de Cisneros (daughter of Rafael Chacón, 7th Marquis of Cela, and María del Amparo Romero de Cisneros y Nagüens), with whom he had seven children:
