Ludwik Solski

Ludwik Solski, by Stanisław Wyspiański

Ludwik Solski (20 January 1855 - 19 December 1954), born Ludwik Napoleon Karol Sosnowski, was a Polish stage actor and theatre director. From his stage debut in 1876 until his death (his last performance took place six months after his 99th birthday) he played in nearly a thousand roles.

Between 1905 and 1913 he was the director-general of the municipal theatre in Cracow. He worked in various Polish theatres in the period 1918-1939 and returned to Cracow in 1944.

Since 1954 he has been the patron of the Academy for the Dramatic Arts in Cracow.

Solski's final resting place, in the Crypt of the Distinguished in the Na Skałce church

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