Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority

The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) is a governmental authority created by the Louisiana Legislature in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The creation of such a state or quasi-state local sponsor was ordered by Congress in Pub.L. 109–148.[1] The CPRA's forerunner, the Wetlands Conservation and Restoration Authority, was restructured as the CPRA by Act 8 of the First Extraordinary Session of 2005[2] when the tasks of coastal restoration and hurricane protection were consolidated under a single authority. The authority is responsible for overseeing all levee districts in the Louisiana Coastal Zone and dispersal of funding from Louisiana's Coastal Protection and Restoration Trust Fund to be used exclusively for wetland restoration and hurricane protection projects.

Act 8 defines the CPRA's mandate as, "hurricane protection and the protection, conservation, restoration, and enhancement of coastal wetlands and barrier shorelines or reefs." Additionally, the act defined the term "coastal area" as the Louisiana Coastal Zone and contiguous areas that are subject to storm or tidal surge.

In April 2007, the CPRA submitted Louisiana's first ever Comprehensive Master Plan for coastal restoration and hurricane protection to the state's legislature for approval. The legislature approved the plan unanimously. Entitled: "Integrated Ecosystem Restoration and Hurricane Protection: Louisiana's Comprehensive Master Plan for a Sustainable Coast," the Master Plan represents an overarching vision that fully incorporates hurricane protection projects and structures with coastal wetland and hydrology restoration projects.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers officials will use the CPRA Master Plan as the cornerstone of the Congressionally mandated Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration (LaCPR) Report scheduled to be written and submitted to Congress by December 2007.

Louisiana barrier island plan

On May 11, 2010 the agency applied to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for an emergency permit to build an extensive system of barrier islands to protect Louisiana coastal islands from crude oil released by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.[3] An emergency permit good for 30 days was offered by the Corps of Engineers on May 27, 2010.[4]

Current members

Levee Boards

The following Levee Districts are overseen by the CPRA.

Additionally, decisions are pending on the Southwest Louisiana Parishes of Cameron, Vermillion and Iberia.

See also


External links