Lot's Wife (student newspaper)

Lot's Wife
Type Student newspaper
Owner(s) Monash Student Association
Editor Bill Molloy, Claire Rowe & Jarrod Verity
Founded 1964
Language English
Headquarters Monash University
Circulation 3000
Website www.msa.monash.edu.au/lotswife www.lotswife.com.au

Lot's Wife is the student newspaper of Monash University's Clayton campus. It is produced by students, for students and operates as part of the Monash Student Association.


Lot's Wife began when a collection of Monash (Clayton) students stormed the office of the Monash student newspaper of the time, Chaos, in reaction to the sexist and derogatory material Chaos routinely published.[1] Throughout the 1960s, Lot's Wife remained at the forefront of student media.

Lot's Wife gained its name from the Biblical passage in which Lot and his wife fled Sodom. Lot and his wife were spared from God’s wrath at Sodom on the premise that if they left behind the destruction that befell their town without looking back, they would be spared. Once they had escaped, Lot's wife looked back. As a consequence she turned into a pillar of salt for disobeying God's orders.

The message of never looking back has been enshrined in Lot's Wife since its inception and continues to be reflected in each edition of the publication. Many of Lot's Wife’s contributors have achieved considerable notoriety in later life.

This tradition of progressive journalism within Lot's Wife has recently been challenged by an article written by the Liberal staffer for Andrew Robb, Con Helas. Helas, a Monash Arts/Law student claimed in print that multiculturalism is 'the single greatest threat to civilisation'.[2] In the previous edition of Lot's Wife, the editors called out for conservative articles to be submitted following accusations against them of left wing bias. Helas' article was leaked to Crikey and mX (which received front page coverage) and as a result, Helas is no longer employed by Robb.[3]

Lot's Wife found itself in the middle of a media storm when an article was published and distributed to first year students at the traditional O-Week events discussing different ways to consume and prepare marijuana. The article titled "Cooking with Schapelle" drew the ire of anti-drug groups.[4]

Notable contributors

Lot's Wife is put together through a collaborative effort by students from the Monash Clayton Campus. Some past editors and contributors to Lot's Wife include:

Recent editors


  1. MSA.monash.edu.au
  2. Helas, Con. 'A Conservative Speaks up' in Lot's Wife, Edition 4, 2007. p. 7. Also available at msa.monash.edu.au
  3. Conduit, Dara & Snell, Naomi, 'Editorial' in Lot's Wife, Edition 4, 2006 p. 3. Also available at msa.monash.edu.au
  4. Heraldsun.com.au
  5. http://www.nationaltrust.org.au/nsw/NationalLivingTreasures
  6. Arts.monash.edu.au
  7. ABC.net
  8. IMDb.com
  9. Feinstein, Howard (1998-12-18). "The Rachel capers". The Guardian (London). Retrieved 2010-05-11.
  10. "Rolling Stone", Rolling Stone (Australia), March 1995
  11. ABC.net.au
  12. Cshe.unimelb.edu.au
  13. http://pressgallery.net.au/?page_id=6
  14. http://www.theguardian.com/profile/antonyloewenstein
  15. ABC.net.au
  16. http://www.nationaltrust.org.au/nsw/NationalLivingTreasures
  17. Liv.asn.au
  18. http://www2.abc.net.au/arts/soundsliketechno/
  19. http://www.rrr.org.au/program/byte-into-it


External links