London Real TV

London Real TV
Hosted by Brian Rose
Genre Society & Culture, Philosophy
Language English
Updates weekly
Length Approx. 1-2 hours
Debut October 23, 2011

London Real TV [1] is a weekly podcast and talk show program in the UK.


Founded by London based US born ex city trader Brian Rose, the first show debuted in October 23, 2011 with the YouTube video entitled "Occupy Wall Street".[2] Since then London Real TV has filmed over "135 episodes, been downloaded over 25 million times on iTunes, and viewed over 3 million times on YouTube."[3] London Real TV has long been ranking in the Top 10 podcasts in the UK in the Society & Culture | Philosophy category.[4]

Usually each show is a single interview with the same participants. London Real interviews use an unscripted, unedited 'live' format 1 to 2 hours long, with the guest(s), host and founder Brian Rose and often another co-host (recently typically Colin Pyle).

London Real has established a reputation due to frank, in-depth discussions of often controversial topics such as banking and cryptocurrencies, personal development (spiritual growth), nutrition, exercise and bio-hacking, (h)ac(k)tivism, surveillance and whistleblowing or psychedelics.

Notable guests so far include The 4-Hour Chef author Tim Ferriss, 6 time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates, British MP George Galloway, Russia Today's Max Keiser, Pulitzer Prize winning author and polymath Jared Diamond, MI5 whistleblower Annie Machon and Bruce Parry from the BBC documentary series Tribe.


In a test upload containing pre-show conversation (since removed) with Max Keiser, Brian Rose mentions connections to kscc (an alleged darknet hacker (group?)) with ties to Anonymous, the 3301 Cicada puzzle and Occupy.[5]

As one trademark of the show, towards the end of each episode guests are asked the following 3 questions:

London Real's motto is "It's all about the journey" (see logo), a theme which most guests arrive at while answering the questions above.

London Real has a sister show called Silicon Real (hosted and founded by Brian Rose) about the people of the London Technology startup scene (often referred to as Silicon Roundabout).[6]


  1. London Real TV Retrieved at 08/02/2014
  2. London Real TV "Occupy Wall Street | London Real. Retrieved at 11/01/2014
  3. London Real TV Retrieved at 10/01/2014
  4. itunes

External links